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Jake Waffle edited this page Dec 23, 2015 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the KinectController wiki!

The KinectController is a really cool project! As I type this up, 12/22/15, the project is able to track the user's skeleton and allow the user to interact with the computer using gestures. The gestures have reactions that are meant to do something with either the keyboard or the mouse. This allows users to essentially interact with almost anything on their computer using just their body.

You might think that a complex project like this has is difficult to configure, but it's actually pretty nice. The KinectController uses its own domain specific language for its config files to make things easier for the user. This language allows users to define gestures using different posture rules and also the reactions for the gestures when they are detected by the Kinect. The result of this incredible system is that users can have specific .gdef config files for each of their favorite applications (e.g. games, presentation, media control, etc.) It also means that the project has applications that not even the creators have thought of yet.

I'd imagine that the KinectController would be used for a lot of games. So there could be generic .gdef configurations for different game genres (e.g. fps.) Some games have very specific features and will probably require a specific .gdef file.

I'd hope that if this project ever gained popularity, there'd be a community made database of various .gdef files for different purposes. That way people could use the KinectController without having to customize their gestures for each particular purpose.

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