Python Interactive Selection Tool
pyselect is an interactive line selection tool for ASCII , operating via a full-screen Curses-based terminal session. It is primarily written to be used by other scripts (like bash, python, perl) to make useful scripts. It is inspired from iselect ( Since iselect is written in C, I wanted to do something in python which is more fun, extensible and less than 100 lines. Just hack the pyselect to add more functionality.
Software requirement: This python script requires urwid (one of the python curses library). On ubuntu you can install urwid by executing "sudo apt-get install python-urwid" In case you do not have install permission, you can just download urwid tar from and untar the tar.gz at some place and add this script(pyselect) to the same directory.
Command line Help:
usage: pyselect [-h] -f FILE -l [line [line ...]]
Interactive selection of ASCII lines using python.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FILE, --file FILE File to write the user selection.
-l [line [line ...]], --lines [line [line ...]]
Lines to be displayed interactively to the user
Simple Usage:
This command will open full screen Curses-based terminal session. And then depending on the user selection, the user selection will be written to the file specified in -f argument of the command.
pyselect -f ~/.result -l line1 line2 line3
Advanced Usage:
pyselect is useful when you create wrappers over it. I was using it to interactively select my clearcase views using the myviews function given below in my .bashrc
function myviews()
# clear any previous selection.
cat /dev/null > $resultFile
allViews=$(cleartool lsview -short | grep $LOGNAME)
# pyselect shall be in your $PATH
pyselect -f $resultFile -l $allViews
# if file has some contents
if [[ -s $resultFile ]]; then
cleartool setview $(cat $resultFile)
- Implement quick select