Python script to generate ONIOM (Gaussian) inputs from MD trajectory and topology
The script uses MDAnalysis module to select QM, MM and Point Charges layers. It can use the MDAnalysis syntax to set layers or, instead, Gromacs index files. Using the former allows dynamic selections along a trajectory.
Required input is:
Option | Description |
-f FILE(trr,gro,pdb...) |
Coordinates |
-s FILE(tpr...) |
Topology |
Sets the QM layer |
- Note: alternatively, the selection can be given through a gromacs index file, using the
flag. The first group in the index file is used
Most relevant optional input is:
Option | Description |
Sets the MM layer |
Set region to be treated as point charges |
See all available options with: -h
To generate a QM/MM input with residue DYE in the QM layer and all around 4 Angstrong in the MM layer, plus the remaining environment within a sphere of 10 Angs as point charges, one would use: -f traj.trr -s topol.tpr -selQM "resname DYE" -selMM "byres (around 4 (resname DYE))" -selPC "byres (sphlayer 0 10 (resname DYE))"
The tested trajectory (traj.trr) and topology (topol.tpr) files correspond to Gromacs files, but in principle, any topology and coordinate format supported by MDAnalysis should work.
It may be convinent to process the trajectory before it is used in order
to place the QM molecules in the center and all MM/PC molecules whole
and inside the box. This done internally in the python script with the wrap()
funciton in MDAnalysis
. You are encouraged to check the results. The wrapping
step can be skipped with the -nowrap
If selections for QM, MM or PC overlap, duplications are removed from the layer with lower priority. The order or priority is QM>MM>PC
By default, Gaussian inputs are written placing the QM atoms first, followed by MM ones. Optionally, the original order from the trajectory snapshot can be kept with the -keep
Bonds crossing QM/MM boundaries are treated with the linking atom approach. Bonds crossing MM/PC or QM/PC boundaries are not treated in any specific way; the same applies to bonds with atoms in no layer (WARNINGS are issued).
Atom names are kept from the trajectory file. Note that this may lead to errors in Gaussian not understanding some atom names (if they are not standard). A not-well tested option, -fixnames, can be used to change atom names into elements. This works by using both the input name and mass to assign the correct element. Note this may lead to wrong element assignemts in some (rare) cases (e.g. when using isotopes), so use it with caution. A safer approach would be regenerating the topology files (tpr) ensuring proper naming of the elements, before running the script.
The QM/MM/PC model can be visualized generating a gro file with option -writeGRO
. This writes a file named after the com file along with a VMD setting file (viewLayers.vmd
). The model can be conveniently visualized with the command:
vmd filename.gro -e viewLayers.vmd