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Frequently asked questions

Jon Chambers edited this page Jan 28, 2019 · 13 revisions

I'm trying to use Jetty's alpn-boot/alpn-agent package, but am seeing a message about "ALPN unsupported." What's wrong?

First and foremost, please note that since Pushy v0.13.0, ALPN is no longer required and you do not need to use alpn-boot/alpn-agent. We strongly recommend updating to the latest version of Pushy as a first option, but if you must use alpn-boot/alpn-agent and they aren't set up correctly, you'll probably see an ExceptionInInitializerError that's ultimately caused by something like this:

Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: ALPN unsupported. Is your classpatch configured correctly? See

Usually, this means one of two things:

  1. alpn-boot isn't on your boot classpath, which is distinct from your normal classpath. Make sure that you're passing an appropriate -Xbootclasspath argument to the JVM that's running your application.
  2. You haven't set alpn-agent as a Java agent. This is also distinct from putting it on your normal classpath. Make sure that you're passing an appropriate -javaagent argument to the JVM that's running your application.

Please note that you only need to use one of alpn-agent or alpn-boot. We recommend alpn-agent.

Some common pitfalls:

  • The profiles from Pushy's own pom.xml serve as good examples, but it's important to remember that the only thing they do is set a variable that we ultimately use to set the boot classpath for our unit tests. Copying the profiles into your own project isn't enough; you'll need to make sure that you're actually setting the boot class path when you run your application.
  • If your application is running in a container of some kind (Tomcat, for example), you'll need to make sure that the container itself has either an appropriate version of alpn-boot on its classpath or alpn-agent set as an agent.

My connections are failing with a handshake_failure. What's the problem?

This may mean that your JDK doesn't have the ciphers required by HTTP/2. You may need to use a newer version of Java, an alternate JCE provider (like Bouncy Castle), or a native SSL provider via netty-tcnative.

I sent a bunch of notifications, and lots (but not all) of them failed with an Http2GoAwayException or ClientNotConnectedException. How come?

The odds are good that you're doing something roughly like this:

for (final ApnsPushNotification notification : notifications) {


It's important to remember that clients operate asynchronously, and it's possible to enqueue notifications more quickly than they're actually sent to the server. It's possible to shut down the client before it ever has a chance to send some of the notifications, in which case notifications that haven't actually been sent to the server will fail with an Http2GoAwayException.

To avoid this situation, callers should wait for the Futures returned by ApnsClient#sendNotification to complete before disconnecting the client.

What happened to the "feedback service" for getting a list of expired device tokens?

While old versions of the APNs protocol had a "feedback service" that could provide a list of device tokens that had expired, that functionality has been streamlined significantly in the newer HTTP/2-based APNs API, and the feedback service has been removed from the API entirely. Instead, the APNs server will respond immediately with an "Unregistered" rejection reason and include a token expiration timestamp if the token has expired, and so callers no longer need to communicate with a separate service to learn about expired tokens.

For Pushy in particular, that means that you can determine if a token has expired if the PushNotificationResponse you receive when sending a notification returns a non-null value for getTokenInvalidationTimestamp(). At the time of this writing, that will only happen if the value returned by getRejectionReason() is "Unregistered", though there are no guarantees that won't change in the future.