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For my setup, I use a combination of poetry and conda. I use conda to set the Python version of my system, and I use poetry to manage my virtual environments.

So first, make sure poetry and conda are installed, then create a conda base environment with the right version of Python:

conda create -n python3.10.11 python=3.10.11

Then, instruct poetry to use that version of Python:

poetry env use $(which python)

Finally, install the dependencies from the pyproject.toml file:

poetry install

Train Model

First, we need to fit an actual machine learning model to deploy.

In our case, we are going to use the Iris dataset, with a basic scikit-learn model.

To train the model, run:


This will create a model artifact model.joblib inside the root directory of the repo.

Prediction Service

Now that we have a fitted model, we have to expose that model through a service to make predictions.

We are going to use FastAPI to do that in this course.

To start up the FastAPI server locally, you can run:

make prediction_service

This will spawn a service listening for requests on localhost:8000. When you navigate to that URL in your browser, you should get back the "Hello World!" message.

Next, FastAPI will automatically generate documentation for us based on our code and pydantic models. You just need to go to the /docs endpoint. So if you navigate to localhost:8000/docs, you should see the hello world GET endpoint, and the predict POST endpoint.

For the predict POST endpoint, you can try an example request. In this case, our pydantic model tells FastAPI that we're listening for requests with 4 query parameters - one for each of the features needed for our Iris model.

Containerizing the Prediction Service

Now we'll look into containerizing the prediction service we just created.

First, we need to build the docker image.

We can use the Makefile in the repo to do that:

make image

This runs the command:

docker build -t prediction_service .

This will build a docker image that's tagged with the name prediction_service.

You can verify that it has been built by running:

docker images

And you should see a docker image there in your images, with the name prediction_service.

Then, we need to run a docker container process based on that image.

To do that, we also have a Makefile endpoint we can use:

make prediction_service_container

This runs a Docker container process with the name prediction_service.

This container will expose the port 8000, so that you should access the same endpoint as we did before, when we ran the FastAPI server directly.

You can verify that your docker container is running by running:

docker ps -a

You should see a container by the name of prediction_service.

Then, when you want to stop the container, you can run:

docker stop prediction_service

However, you should notice that your container won't be removed, but it'll now have the EXITED status.


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