- stress testing & optimisation pass
- clean up libvterm (remove glib requirement) (or move to new libvterm for VT220 support)
- install dependencies as per your distro
- python (2 or 3)
- libssl-dev
- ncurses-dev
- make
- ... profit
- brew install python
- brew install gsl
- brew install glib
- make
- ... profit
- Written in C/C++
- Terminal emulation (vt100) using modified libvterm
- Communications encrypted using OpenSSL (TLSv1)
- (new) Supports proxy of TCP traffic from both client/server end for multiple routes
- Tested on Arch/Kali/Ubuntu and OSX
./server [port] - start c2 server (default port is 443)
./client [ip] [port] - launch connect back shell (default is
To configure proxy routes edit '.proxies' in server directory. An example is provided below:
# .proxies example file
# <src_port> <dst_ip> <dst_port>
# example route 1
1337 9447
# example route 2
9001 9002
- (done) OSX or Linux endpoint control
- (done) Connects back and provides a shell to a hardcoded C2
- (done) Provides full tty emulation
- (done) Communication is encrypted
- (done) Communications to C2 mimic legitimate traffic (i.e. SSL on port 443)
- (done) Platform independent across OSX and Linux
- (done) Ability to proxy traffic through endpoint
- No window refresh after resizing. (issues with ncurses SIGWINCH handling atm)
- https://sourceforge.net/projects/libvterm/
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16382252/how-to-render-a-remote-ncurses-console
- http://www.linusakesson.net/programming/tty/
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11705815/client-and-server-communication-using-ssl-c-c-ssl-protocol-dont-works
- http://www.lundman.net/cvs/viewvc.cgi/lundman/lion/src/tls.c?revision=1.10&view=markup
- http://funcptr.net/2012/04/08/openssl-as-a-filter-%28or-non-blocking-openssl%29/
- http://h71000.www7.hp.com/doc/83final/ba554_90007/ch04s03.html
- http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16381628/openssl-non-blocking-sockets-ssl-read-still-blocks