Provides support for various Juniper devices (firewalls, routers and switches). Many components are modeled and displayed and performance graphs are available for devices and components.
This ZenPack is Zenoss 3 compliant.
The ZenPack has the following new Device Classes of object class JuniperDevice
- /Devices/Network/Router/Juniper
- /Devices/Network/Router/Firewall/Juniper
- /Devices/Network/Switch/Juniper
A large number of components are defined as object classes and modeled. Not all components are relevant to all devices (this is controlled by the modeler plugins selected):
- JuniperComponents and JuniperBaseComp which have container relationship information
- JuniperContents which has details for:
- Parent container, description, serial number, chassis information, CPU, memory, up time
- JuniperFan
- JuniperPowerSupply
- JuniperFPC (Flexible PIC Concentrator) which has details for:
- Parent container, description, serial number, chassis information, CPU, memory, up time
- JuniperPIC (Physical Interface Card) and JuniperMIC (Modular Interface Card) which have details for:
- Parent container, description, serial number, chassis information, CPU, memory, up time
- The relationship between FPC and their contained MICs and PICs can be seen
- JuniperRoutingEngine
- JuniperVlan which has details for:
- VLAN name, type, tag, port group and interface information
- JuniperBGP which has details for:
- BGP local address, remote address, remote ASN and BGP state information
- JuniperIpSecVPN and JuniperIpSecPolicy which have details for:
- VPN phase 1 and phase 2 IDs, gateways and state
Note that not all components or details of components are displayed. Check Juniper.js in the resources subdirectory for elements that are commented out:
A large number of modeler plugins populate the fields of the devices and their components. These correspond directly with the different components detailed above
- Device template JuniperMemoryUsedPercent provides device-level performance information
- Device templates ipSecPolicyCount, ipSecVPNPhase1Count and ipSecVPNPhase1Count are available to provide performance information relating to VPNs
- Device template ipSecNATCount provides device-level performance information on NAT translation tables
- There are component templates providing performance information for each of the components listed above.
- A separate Juniper Information menu delivers tabular and graphical information for the overall device
- Zenoss Versions Supported: 3.0
- External Dependencies: The relevant Juniper MIBs need to be available on target devices
- ZenPack Dependencies:
- Installation Notes: zenhub and zopectl restart after installing this ZenPack.
- Configuration:
Download the appropriate package for your Zenoss version from the list below.
- Zenoss 3.0+ Latest Package for Python 2.6
Copy the downloaded .egg to your Zenoss server and run the following commands as the zenoss user:
zenpack --install <package.egg> zenhub restart zopectl restart
If you wish to further develop and possibly contribute back to this ZenPack you should clone the git repository, then install the ZenPack in developer mode:
zenpack --link --install <package> zenhub restart zopectl restart
This ZenPack was tested with Zenoss 3.1 against:
- MX80, MX240 Juniper routers
- SRX100, SRX210 Juniper firewalls
- EX220, EX4200 Juniper switches
- 1.0
- Initial Release
- 1.1
- Some updates for extra debug
- 1.2
- Transferred to new github methods