This README describes the various ways to create different types of menus. The code started from the ZenPackTemplate work done by Chet Luther - see
- Zenoss Versions Supported: 3.0
- External Dependencies:
- ZenPack Dependencies:
- Installation Notes: zenhub and zopectl restart after installing this ZenPack.
- Configuration:
On installation, an organizer is created for the device class /Example/TestClass.
Device properties are set for some standard modeler plugins and some plugins that are provided by this ZenPack. The zCommandUserName and zCommandPassword are set and the zPythonClass is set to ZenPacks.skills1st.MenuExamples.ExampleDevice.
A test device called ExampleDevice1 is created in this object class.
When the ZenPack is removed, all devices under /Example are removed as are the /Example organizer and any suborganizers.
This is all achieved in
You may want to then change the IP address of ExampleDevice1 to some real device that supports SNMP so you can model it.
The object class, ExampleDevice, inherits from Device and has an extra relationship with a contained component called ExampleComponent.
There is also a command modeler plugin that gets hard disk information and populates the _existing_ hardware relationship, harddisks, which shows as an extra component in the left-hand menu.
The ExampleDevice object class has its factory information actions extended with myExampleMenuTwo.
This object class also has a method, createComment, to set the comment field for the device (which is called by myDropDownMenu1).
The object class, ExampleComponent, uses the modeler plugin, ExampleHostResourcesSNMP, to get values for its extra attributes of devDescr, devStatus and devErrors. These values are obtained from a device using SNMP to query the host resources MIB.
The Example Components left-hand menu shows each valid hrDevice component that is discovered by the ExampleHostResourcesSNMP modeler. also adds "Example ComponentTemplate" to the dropdown Display menu for ExampleComponents (this simply collects an SNMP value for devErrors and the ExampleComponent performance template is included as an object in the ZenPack).
An adapter entry is required in the top-level configure.zcml to provides links to the info and interfaces entries for both the ExampleComponent and for the Hard Disk component. contains entries for each that defines the attributes to be displayed in the Details dropdown option for the component. has entries for each describing the nature of ecah attribute.
The layout for the ExampleComponent menu is under browser/resources/js in ExampleDevice.js and describes the attributes to be displayed and how they will appear. The Hard Disk menu is also described in this same file. A viewlet entry is required in browser/configure.zcml to link to the javascript file.
A number of menu options appear by default under the Display dropdown in the middle of the page displaying details of a component. Typically these options show Graphs, Events and Details.
The old-style V2 way to add to this dropdown extends the factory_type_information actions as described above, where the standard "objTemplates" action is added under the menu heading of "Example Component Template".
The V3 way of adding menus to the Display dropdown uses a viewlet entry in browser/configure.zcml and a javascript file, amazing.js, under browser/resources/js. Note that the manager field in configure.zcml needs to be manager="Products.ZenUI3.browser.interfaces.IHeadExtraManager" .
The menu simply produces an alert popup with the UID of the component.
This menu is defined in 2 different ways. Look at the title of the page to see whether it is being driven by action factory_type_information under the skins subdirectory (old Zenoss 2.x style menus in or whether it is being driven by Zenoss 3 browser/configure.zcml wiring.
Both definitions display a table of device info (the V3 style includes an extra comments field), performance graphs for the device, and a table at the bottom showing which Groups a device is a member of.
The old-style menu is defined in the in the base directory of the ZenPack. It requires View permission and it is added to the factory actions of all devices. The definition of the layout is under the skins/ZenPacks.skills1st.MenuExamples subdirectory in the file.
The new Zenoss 3 type of menu is defined in browser/configure.zcml as myExampleMenuOne. This V3-style definition is ONLY applicable for devices of object class ExampleDevice and the page layout is in browser/templates/ .
The result of this is that all devices should have a "My Example Menu 1" left-hand menu but ExampleDevice objects have a slightly different page from all other devices.
The "Modifications" menu is a standard menu that this ZenPack overrides in 2 different ways. Both are largely copies of the standard file in $ZENHOME/Products/ZenModel/skins/zenmodel. As with menu1, there is a different override for devices of object class ExampleDevice, as opposed to all other devices. Examine the title of the page to see which code is actually used.
The skins subdirectory has a copy of which simply has its title changed.
The browser/templates subdirectory has a with a different title and a small modification to the odd/even test (see comments in code). browser/configure.zcml also needs an entry to point to browser/templates/ which, in this case, limits this particular override to devices of object class ExampleDevice.
The result of this is that all devices should have an overriden "Modifications" left-hand menu but ExampleDevice objects have a slightly different page from all other devices.
The "My Example Menu 2" is only defined for devices of object class ExampleDevice and is only defined in the V3-style combination of browser/configure.zcml and browser/templates/ It display a table of standard SNMP attributes and the standard performance Graphs.
This menu only appears for devices of object class ExampleDevice.
Menus can be delivered as objects in objects/objects.xml. mydropDownMenu1 and mydropDownMenu2 are delivered this way. They are called from both versions of the file (both the skins version and the browser/templates version) by the line
menu_id string:ExampleOneMenuObjects_list
It is the "action" stanza in the menu item definition that must match with the "name" field of an entry in browser/configure.zcml. Both these menus are defined in Zenoss-3 style with configure.zcml and pt files in browser/templates.
mydropDownMenu1 is restricted for use only by devices of object class ExampleDevice (because it uses the createComment method which is only defined for the ExampleDevice object class). The result is that for devices of other object classes, the submit window simply hangs and can be closed harmlessly.
myDropDownMenu1 prompts for a Comment for the device and uses the createComment method to update the comments attribute for the device.
For ExampleDevice devices note that after clicking the OK button, control is returned to the defaultdetails view as this is the default view as defined in the factory information for a device.
myDropDownMenu2 is valid for all devices and produces a popup with a few SNMP attributes.
The standard Zenoss Core menus have options to add a new device from the "+" dropdown menu at the top of the list of devices. It is possible to add an extra option to that menu that is specific for a particular device object class. This is done with a viewlet stanza in browser/configure.zcml that points to a javascript file, add_example_device_option.js
The javascript file creates a new Zenoss Action that prompts for deviceIp, community and comment fields and then submits a job to create the new device. These fields are passed to a router construct, Zenoss.remote.ExampleDeviceRouter.add_ExampleDevice(opts, ........... The new Zenoss Action is "pushed" onto the existing adddevice menu. in the base directory of the ZenPack, contains the definitions for routers and their functions. Typically a router calls a facade (defined in which is the code that actually does work. Router names, their functions and their parameters must all match up between the / entries and the javascript that calls the router.
zcml "wiring" is required in the top-level configure.zcml for the router and must provide an adapter for the facade. (in the top-level directory) must have an entry for the interface for the facade, matching any functions and their parameters.
The Infrastructure device list panel has an Action menu at the bottom of the navigator tree. Actions chosen apply to any selected devices. This menu has been extended to run a predefined command that produces a popup window with the command output.
A viewlet entry is required in browser/configure.zcml that points to the javascript file run_my_predefined_command.js. A page entry is also required to show the output from the command, where the class field defines an entry in (in the top-level directory) to actually run the command. The MyPredefinedCommandView class in also demonstrates logging to a specified logfile ( /usr/local/zenoss/zenoss/log/example_logging.log) and uses both literal parameters and parameters passed from the calling window. The actual command is in the libexec subdirectory as /mywrapper_script1. It simply echos 4 parameters.
A whole new menu can be added to the footer bar at the bottom of the navigation tree menu. A viewlet entry is required in browser/Configure.zcml that points to the javascript file myFooterMenu.js. The menu has the standard "Model device" action, an action to run the same predefined command discussed earlier, and an option "Set device comment / rackSlot" which prompts for these two fields and then modifies the selected device accordingly.
The latter is another example of using a router ( Zenoss.remote.myAppRouter.myRouterFunc(opts, .....) to channel data from the GUI and a facade (myAppFacade) to actually change the attributes of the object to the values that have been input. Both router and facade need entries in the top-level configure.zcml and the facade also needs an entry in
One can also add to the Action menu on the device details page. A viewlet entry is required in browser/configure.zcml that points to the javascript file deviceGearMenu.js. Note that the manager field needs to be:
Two extra options have been added. The first simply logs to a console log (which you could see with the Firebug plugin). The second option again runs the predefined command discussed earlier.
There are two configure.zcml files to provide the necessary "wiring" between objects and layout. In this ZenPack, most of the wiring is to do with the browser so the top-level configure.zcml only has a few entries and a line to include the browser package:
<include package=".browser"/>
browser/configure.zcml defines a resources directory called example which points to the resources subdirectory.
Download the appropriate package for your Zenoss version from the list below.
- Zenoss 3.0+ Latest Package for Python 2.6
This ZenPack can be installed from the .egg file using either the GUI or the zenpack command line but, since it is demonstration code that you are likely to want to modify, it is more likely installed in development mode. From github - use the ZIP button (top left) to download a tgz file and unpack it to a local directory, say, $ZENHOME/local. Install from $ZENHOME/local with:
zenpack --link --install ZenPacks.skills1st.MenuExamples
- 1.0
- Initial Release
- 1.0.3
- All menus now working
Thanks are due to several people who have contributed either directly or indirectly to this project:
Chet Luther for the original ZenPackTemplate ZenPack and for several good hints along the way.
Josh Goebel for help with the footer menus.
Joseph Hanson for lots of good hints and code samples.
Shane Scott for extra ZenPack samples.
j053ph4 on the Zenoss forum for various contributions.
phonegi from the Zenoss forum for lots of work figuring out component menus.
Kells Kearney for code snippets to run predefined commands.
Nick Yeates for bullying Zenoss engineers into helping!