Collection of scripts for workflow automation.
In order to make the scripts configurable, environment variables can be used to set paths and git branches. On oscar, modify the ~/.modules
file, e.g.:
export DEV_BRANCH=dev-branch
export PACKAGE_DIR=/path/to/pkg
alias ll='ls -al'
module load R/4.0.5
Installing an R package from a branch can be done by running a shell script remotely through ssh. E.g. set the package directory and the branch to develop as environment variables and let the oscar.Jenkinsfile
execute the bash/
stage('Install R package on oscar') {
sshScript remote: remote, script: "bash/"
jobs can submitted to the slurm scheduler by executing a shell script remotely. The bash/
script is an example script that first allows to assert the existence of environment variables with comprehensive error message, submits a job to slurm, and then tails the slurm output. In order to get the tailing to cancel on error, it is important to implement pattern matching for possible log output that indicates failure. In the given example, the log output is expected to contain one of the following strings to signal the termination of the job.