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Issues using Gmail SMTP

Reza Akhavan edited this page Sep 12, 2016 · 6 revisions

When using your Gmail SMTP credentials, you may get an error like:

Error Sending: Email failed to send. Error: authorization.failed

Obviously this could happen if your credentials are wrong, so be sure to double check them.

Potential Cause #1

Try using tls: true instead of ssl: true in your email config.

Potential Cause #2

Another reason this could happen is because you have 2-factor/2-step authorization setup. In this case you need to create an app specific password.

Potential Cause #3

There is another setting called "Access for less secure apps" which you can toggle. We don't recommend this since you're entering your Gmail password into a config file.

That's it

We hope this was helpful. If you have questions or think this page should be expanded please contribute by opening an issue or updating this page.