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dragon bindings for dired

Have you every needed to drag and drop something but then realised that you have to open a shudders non-Emacs file manger? Well not anymore! This package adds bindings for dragon so that you can live in Emacs a little more!

Do note that dired already acts like a sink in normal use so I won’t add dragon functionality for that. It’s a “why add an extra step” sort of thing.

Table of Contents

In-File Commands

These commands are the original work of @ymarco. Thanks! This set of commands allow you to drag the current buffers file or if your in an org / latex buffer to drag the corresponding pdf file by applying the universal argument or adding a bang to the end of the ex command. This can also be toggled to drag the pdf by default if dired-dragon-drag-pdf-by-default is non nil

:dragan evil ex command to drag the current buffer and quit-xevil
:drag!the bang equivelent of :drag-xevil
dired-dragon-current-filea vanilla version of the :drag command-xNothing

In-Dired Commands

These commands are meant to be used in dired.

dired-dragonThe Default, drags all and closes after one drop-x -a
dired-dragon-individualwindow stays open and you can drag all the files
dired-dragon-stayAll files will be dropped into the same place but the window will stick around-a



(use-package dired-dragon
  :straight (:host github
             :repo "jeetelongname/dired-dragon")
  :after dired)


;; packages.el
(package! dired-dragon :recipe (:host github
                                :repo "jeetelongname/dired-dragon"))
;; config.el
(use-package! dired-dragon
  :after dired)



if you are on a distro that names dragon differently cough arch then you can change the variable dired-dragon-location to the name and or location of your choice

(setq dired-dragon-location (executable-find "the name of the executable"))
;; using executable find is a little better as it does not hard code the location
;; but this is optional, just provide it with a full path (eg /usr/bin/dragon)

Some pre-made configurations

Doom Emacs

If you are a doom emacs user (like me) then this snippet will help

;; config.el
(use-package! dired-dragon
  :after dired
  (map! :map dired-mode-map
        (:prefix "C-s"
         :n "d" #'dired-dragon
         :n "s" #'dired-dragon-stay
         :n "i" #'dired-dragon-individual)))


This should be a copy and paste affair but I don’t use vanilla extensively

(use-package dired-dragon
  :straight (:host github
             :repo "jeetelongname/dired-dragon")
  :after dired

  ;; if you use use-package for bindings
  :bind (:map dired-mode-map
         ("C-d d" . dired-dragon)
         ("C-d s" . dired-dragon-stay)
         ("C-d i" . dired-dragon-individual))

  ;; if you don't
  (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "C-d d") 'dired-dragon)
  (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "C-d s") 'dired-dragon-stay)
  (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "C-d i") 'dired-dragon-individual))


Issue’s are welcome! Pull requests as well. This is my first “formal” package so any pointers would be appreciated


dragon bindings for our favorite file manager







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