A high performance chat system, based on swoole, redis and msgpack. Integrated authorization, chat, groupchat, chatroom and offline storage.
And Client-SDKs for iOS, Android, JS, and PHP are provided.
Website: https://jegarn.com
- PHP 5.3.10 or newer
- Swoole 1.7.20 or newer
- Msgpack 0.5.7
- Redis 2.8.22 or newer
wget http://pecl.php.net/get/swoole-1.7.20.tgz
tar -zvxf swoole-1.7.20.tgz
cd swoole-1.7.20
./configure --enable-openssl
make && make install
echo "extension=swoole.so" > /etc/php.d/swoole.ini
pecl install msgpack
yum -y install redis
start a tcp server
$ php server.php 9501
start a websocket server
$ php webserver.php 9503
Thank you very much because of your contribution, and I believe we can make jegarn better. Some ways available:
- contribute your code via Pull Request
- write down your issues
- make the Wiki complete