jx-health is a small command line tool working with health statuses from Kuberhealthy
Using Kuberhealthy and custom checks we are able to report the health of a Kubernetes cluster by only reading the Kuberhealthy state custom resources. This is good for user RBAC restricted environments as the Kuebrhealthy checks run with a Kubernetes service account to validate things like secrets, without revealing any sensitive data and report errors when a user may not have access.
jx-health is not tied to Jenkins X, it can be installed and used standalone though using Jenkins X 3.x (alpha) makes it easier to get started.
The required RBAC needed for users of this command:
Resource | Role | Namespace | Reason |
Deployments | Get | kuberhealthy | used to verify Kuberhealthy is running |
khstates.v1.comcast.github.io | List | kuberhealthy | used to return the status of default Kuberhealthy checks |
khstates.v1.comcast.github.io | Watch | kuberhealthy | used to watch the status of default Kuberhealthy checks |
khstates.v1.comcast.github.io | List | * | used to return the status of Jenkins X and custom Kuberhealthy checks in all namespaces |
khstates.v1.comcast.github.io | Watch | * | used to watch the status of Jenkins X and custom Kuberhealthy checks in all namespaces |
See the jx-health command reference
There are three parts to using this health plugin:
client side CLI used to query health checks- Kuberhealthy server side controller used to start checks and capture results
- custom server side health checks
Download the jx-health binary for your operating system and add it to your $PATH
Choose one of the two options below:
helm repo add kuberhealthy https://kuberhealthy.github.io/kuberhealthy/helm-repos
helm install kuberhealthy kuberhealthy/kuberhealthy -n kuberhealthy --set check.daemonset.enabled=true --set check.deployment.enabled=true --set check.dnsInternal.enabled=true --set check.networkConnection.enabled=true --create-namespace
optionally install the Jenkins X 3.x custom health checks
helm repo add jx3 https://storage.googleapis.com/jenkinsxio/charts
helm install cluster-checks jx3/jx-kh-check -n kuberhealthy --set jxPodStatus.enabled=true --set jxPodStatus.cluster.enabled=true --set jxSecrets.enabled=true --set jxSecrets.cluster.enabled=true
helm install health-checks-jx jx3/jx-kh-check -n jx --set jxWebhooks.enabled=true --set jxBotToken.enabled=true
helm install health-checks-install jx3/jx-kh-check -n jx-git-operator --set jxInstall.enabled=true
jx-health get status --all-namespaces --watch
If using Jenkins X 3 alpha then you get the benefits of a top level CLI to manage upgrades and GitOps for you cluster.
Get the plugin by running
jx upgrade cli
jx upgrade plugins
You will also need to upgrade your clusters version stream which updates the cluster to the latest release
jx gitops upgrade
git commit / push then check the git operator job is successful
jx admin logs
Then to add the new server side checks (kuberhealthy ) again from a cloned copy of your cluster git repo, run
jx gitops helmfile add --chart kuberhealthy/kuberhealthy
jx gitops helmfile add --chart jx3/jx-kh-check
jx gitops helmfile add --chart jx3/jx-kh-check --name health-checks-jx
jx gitops helmfile add --chart jx3/jx-kh-check --name health-checks-install
review the local changes, you should see four new charts added to your helmfile.yaml git commit / push then check the git operator job is successful
jx admin logs
get the check statuses
jx health get status --all-namespaces --watch
or using the Jenkins X Octant plugin
Golang 1.15
If you get this error when building:
# github.com/jenkins-x-plugins/jx-health/pkg/health/lookup
pkg/health/lookup/lookup.go:19:20: undefined: Asset
make: *** [build] Error 2
You need to run:
go get -u github.com/go-bindata/go-bindata/...
make bind
You can now build this repository using your local modifications and try the locally built binary in build/jx-health
or run the unit tests via make test