Python (py) library to use Microsofts Cognitive Services Speech (csspeech) Text to Speech (tts) API. The cryptic name is the combination of the abbrevations shown above.
from pycsspeechtts import TTSTranslator
t = TTSTranslator("YOUR API KEY","westeurope")
data = t.speak(text='The default voice is using Microsoft Neural Voice. When using a neural voice, synthesized speech is nearly indistinguishable from the human recordings.')
with open("file1.wav", "wb") as f:
data = t.speak('en-gb','Male','I am Max', 'George, Apollo', 'riff-16khz-16bit-mono-pcm', text='I am Max')
with open("file2.wav", "wb") as f:
You can also use custom voice by specifying isCustom=True
and providing a customEndpoint
from pycsspeechtts import TTSTranslator
t = TTSTranslator("YOUR API KEY","westeurope", isCustom=True, customEndpoint=MyEndpoint)
data = t.speak(language='en-gb',gender='Male',voiceType="ArchieNeural",text="This is a test for custom voice")
See for more samples. Refer to to find the valid values for language, gender, voicetype and output formats.