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Coding Style Guidelines

Hosung Kim edited this page Apr 17, 2018 · 2 revisions

Coding Style Guideline for C

Our coding style guideline is based on google c++ coding standard, but modified due to some difference between C and C++.

Header Files

#define guard

Use #define guard in all header files. <FILE>_H format is recommended.

#ifndef FILE_H
#define FILE_H
#endif // FILE_H


Line length

maximum 80 characters in a line.


2 space indent at a time. Do not use a tab for indentation.

Vertical whitespace

Add two blank lines between functions.

Otherwise minimize use of vertical whitespace.

This is more a principle than a rule: don't use blank lines when you don't have to. In particular, don't put more than two blank lines between functions, resist starting functions with a blank line, don't end functions with a blank line, and be discriminating with your use of blank lines inside functions.

Function call

Write a function call all in a line if it fits. If not, break the line into multiple lines after assignment operator, or insert newline between parameters. Do not insert spaces after open paren and before close paren.

int value = foo(arg1, arg2, arg3);

int value =
    foo(arg1, arg2, arg3);

int value = foo(arg1, arg2,

Function Declaration and Definition

Use named parameters in function declaration.

return_type function_name(int, char); // not allowed
return_type function_name(int arg1, char arg2); // Use this

Return type should be on the same line as function name and parameters if it fits. If not, break between them aligned with the first argument.

return_type function_name(int arg1,
                          char arg2);

If even first argument does not fit in a line, write it in a new line with 4 space indent.

return_type function_name(
    int arg1, char arg2);

The open curly brace should be at the same line. The close curly brace should be either at the same line as its open curly brace or at new line.

return_type function_name(int arg1, char arg2) { };
return_type function_name(int arg1, char arg2) {
return_type function_name(int arg1, char arg2)
{  // not allowed


Use a space between the if and open brace. Open brace on the same line as the if.

if (condition) {

Short conditional statements may be written without braces.

if (condition)

Loops and Switches

Use a space between the switch and loops(for, while, do-while) and open brace. Open brace on the same line as the switch and loops.

while (condition) {

Single loop body statement may be written without braces.

while (condition)
  do_something(); // ok
for (condition)
  do_something(); // ok


Type names

Use lower cases and underscore for struct names, and add prefix iotjs_ and suffix _t.

typedef struct {
} iotjs_name_t;

Function names

Use lower cases and underscore for function names.

For constructors and destructor, use names starting with iotjs_mystruct_*. Constructor function name should be either iotjs_mystruct_create or iotjs_mystruct_initialize, depending on whether the constructor returns the instance as return value, or the constructor just initializes the instance passed by parameter.

typedef struct {
} iotjs_mystruct_t;

iotjs_mystruct_t iotjs_mystruct_create(); // Ok
iotjs_mystruct_t* iotjs_mystruct_create(); // Ok
void iotjs_mystruct_initialize(iotjs_mystruct_t*); // Ok

void iotjs_mystruct_destroy();

int iotjs_mystruct_method();

Variable names

Use lower cases and underscore for variable names.

int lower_case_variable;


Comment style

Use either // or /* */ style comments. However, // style is much prefered.

Coding Style Guideline for Javascript

This coding standard is based on google javascript coding standard

Javascript Language Rules


Always declare variable before use.


Always use semicolons.

Function Declaration in blocks

Do not declare functions within a block.

Wrapper objects of primitive types

Do not use wrapper objects for primitive types.


Do not use with statement.

Modifying prototypes of builtin objects

Do not modify prototypes of builtin objects

Javascript Style Rules


Use lowerCamelCase for varible names and function names.

var myFirstVariable;
function myFirstFunction {

Use UpperCamelCase for constructor names

function MyConstructorFunction(input) {
  this.variable = input;


Follow C/C++ formatting above.

Coding Style Guideline For Python

The coding conventions for Python code follows PEP 8 - Style Guide for Python Code

Coding Style Check Tool

When this guideline is ambiguous, just follow the result of running ./tools/ This tool helps you check your code style. You have to install clang and eslint to use this tool. And node.js should be installed before installing eslint.

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install clang-format-3.8
$ cd iotjs
$ npm install

Here are ./tools/ options:

--autoedit: Automatically edit the detected clang format and eslint errors. No diffs will be displayed.
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