JerryScript 2.2.0
The JerryScript team proudly announces JerryScript 2.2.0 release.
A short list of changes/improvements:
- Improved ES6 (ES2015) support
- Kangax ES2015 coverage improved from 34% to 81%
- Some notable new features:
- Spread syntax for iterable objects
- Array and object destructuring
- Lexical block scoping (let)
- Generators
- Well-known symbols
- General performance and memory improvements (ARMv7 RPi2)
- Significant speed-up in match, search, split and replace operations with Strings and RegExps
- Significant improvements in garbage collection when having deeply nested objects
- Improved prototype lookup for primitive values
- Optimized array built-in methods for non-sparse arrays
- Small overall stack usage improvement
- Added new API functions
- Revised a few feature guards that can be used in profiles
- Enabled the usage of API functions in native free callbacks
- Improved RegExp compatibility with web browsers
- 231 commits by 18 authors since JerryScript 2.1.0