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Cool and simple examples using jest to test a node API. The first version of this repo was based on this post.


what's the project structure?

  ├── package.json
  ├── package-lock.json
  ├── src
  │   ├── controller.js
  │   ├── index.js
  │   ├── router.js
  │   └── service.js
  └── test
      ├── controller.test.js
      ├── index.test.js
      ├── router.test.js
      └── service.test.js


  $ node --version

To handle:

how to run and test the endpoint


  $ yarn start

Test the endpoint

  $ curl localhost:3000/posts

how to test the code

We're using Jest, you can run:

  $ yarn test:summary
  PASS  test/index.test.js
  PASS  test/router.test.js
  PASS  test/controller.test.js
  PASS  test/service.test.js

  Test Suites: 4 passed, 4 total
  Tests:       7 passed, 7 total
  Snapshots:   0 total
  Time:        2.269 s

Tip: You can also try the yarn test or yarn test:verbose scripts 😄

how to generate the coverage report

We're using istanbul and it's included with Jest, you can run this script:

  $ yarn coverage
  PASS  test/index.test.js
  PASS  test/router.test.js
  PASS  test/controller.test.js
  PASS  test/service.test.js

  File           | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s 
  All files      |   95.83 |      100 |   85.71 |   95.83 |                   
   controller.js |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |                   
   index.js      |   83.33 |      100 |       0 |   83.33 | 9                 
   router.js     |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |                   
   service.js    |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |                   

  Test Suites: 4 passed, 4 total
  Tests:       7 passed, 7 total
  Snapshots:   0 total
  Time:        1.459 s

Also you can check the results in the generated coverage\lcov-report\index.html file

about the sonarcloud integration

This repo is linked to a project in sonarcloud and that services it's free only if your source code is written with non commercial goals. You can check this document and this GitHub Action information if you want to know more about the integration.

about the git hook scripts

We're using Git Hooks scripts using husky, what a nice tool!

So, anytime you'll make a commit you'll see something like that

  $ git commit -am 'feat: add basic husky support'
  > jest test/**.test.js

  PASS  test/index.test.js
  PASS  test/service.test.js
  PASS  test/router.test.js
  PASS  test/controller.test.js

  Test Suites: 4 passed, 4 total
  Tests:       7 passed, 7 total
  Snapshots:   0 total
  Time:        1.812 s
  Ran all test suites matching /test\/controller.test.js|test\/index.test.js|test\/router.test.js|test\/service.test.js/i.
  [master 508a8eb] feat: add basic husky support
  4 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
  create mode 100644 .husky/.gitignore
  create mode 100755 .husky/pre-commit
