This is modified from Anchit's Argon Template.
Major changes:
- Page Tools removed from sidebar
- Site Tools moved to bottom of sidebar
- Auto-styling for personal sidebar headings/lists
- Top button sticks to bottom of page
- Less intrusive site heading
- Updated dokuwiki icons
- User dropdown menu
- Less dominant breadcrumb pane
- Page Tools at the top of the page, following Confluence design
Argon - a clean, responsive, modern template for Dokuwiki.
If you have a sidebar, then put your links (in the sidebar) in bullet points to ensure consistent styling with the rest of the template.
I've imported the base stylesheet from the argon design system and then added custom styles on top in the assets/css/doku.scss file. The file is then compiled to CSS using SASS.
To do changes and have it compile live, do
sass --watch assets/css/doku.scss assets/css/doku.css
- Dokuwiki template from Anchit.
- Creative Tim for the Argon Design System stylesheet.
- Anika Henke for her starter dokuwiki template.