- Install Packer package installer "https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim"
- Then link the folder nvim to ~/.config/nvim
- Setup vim alias as nvim
- Open vim and then run :PackerInstall (the first install will cause issues with :TSUpdate [treesitter])
- Then install debugpy :VimspectorInstall debugpy
- brew install pyright <-- install pyright langserver
- pip install neovim
- pip install python-lsp-server
- pip install pyright flake8 black isort # formatting stuff
This is specific to MAC
List of Binds
- ctrl + alt + cmd + \ → connect airpods
- ctrl + alt + cmd + shift + \ → disconnect airpods
- ctrl + alt + cmd + shift + \ → disconnect airpods
- ctrl + alt + cmd + h → send window to prev monitor
- ctrl + alt + cmd + l → send window to next monitor
- ctrl + alt + cmd + m → switch to meet.google.com tab in Chrome
- ctrl + alt + cmd + n → toggle the notificaiton bar on mac
- ctrl + alt + cmd + j → switch to Jimmy's server jupyter lab tab in Chrome
Install following add ons:
owl exhcange, for microsoft - For my staff ccny account
gContactSync - for goolge sync of address book
Minimize on close - minimizes thunderbird instead of closing it, can still be cloased via the menu
- Go to view --> folders --> unified, then sort by --> threaded