Learning Swift to accomplish my goal to become an iOS Developer. Using all clone repos from Dr. Angela Yu's Udemy course.
Currently have 22 projects and variations:
- I Am Rich
- I Am Poor
- Dicee- Syntax from ViewController.swift
- Dicee-2.0 - Auto Layout and Orientation set up
- Magic-8Ball- Syntax from ViewController.swift
- Xylophone- Syntax from ViewController.swift
- EggTimer- Syntax from ViewController.swift
- Quizzler- Learn about MVC Design- Check out my Sytnax from Model and Controller
- Quizzler - Multiple Choice- More MVC Design practice - Check out my Sytnax from Model and Controller
- Destini- More MVC Design Practice - Check out my Sytnax from Model and Controller
- BMI-Calculator- More MVC Design Practice - Check out my Sytnax from the Models folder and the Controllers
- Tipster- Check out my Syntax from my Controllers folder.
- Clima -Weather App Clone that has dark mode enabled. Uses Open Weather API to get weather data of a City.
- ByteCoin- Bitcoin currency exchange app. Check out my code Model & Controller
- Flash Chat iOS13- Messaging app that uses Firebase/Firestore as a database. Check out my code Model & Controller
- *I AM RICH in SwiftUI- Learning SwiftUI for my career
- JoshuaCard- My personal business card app made in SwiftUI!
- HaxNewsClone- Hacker News Clone app for iOS using https://hn.algolia.com/api- for an API. Also, Allow me to get more SwiftUI practice.
- 'Todoey'- 'Todoey' is a Task Manager/ Todo List app for iOS made with CoreData and UIKit. Checkout my syntax Controller
- 'Todoey-REALM'- 'Todoey' is a Task Manager/ Todo List app for iOS made with Realms and UIKit. Still incomplete.
- InspoQuotes- InspoQuote is a app that allowed me to learn about In-App Purchases and Apple StoreKit Please check out my code
- 'iOSCalculator'- a simple Calculator app I worked on the AutoLayout. Followed MVC Protocol Model and Controller
- 'Seefood'- A very simple CoreML/Swift app that allows the user to take a picture and tells them whether the picture taken is a Hotdog or not a hotdog. A parody app taken from a Silicon Valley episode.