- January 18, First day of class
- Introductions, Hello World. Hello Class. Hello HTML., and Markup & Style, Content & Context
- January 25
- February 01
- February 08
- February 15
- February 22
- March 01
- March 08, No class, Arts and Sciences Spring Break
- March 15
- March 22
- March 29
- April 05
- April 12
- April 19
- April 26, Last day of class
- 14 weeks
- 12 weeks of web design and development, excluding the first and the last day of class
- 3 projects, 4 weeks for each project
- Every Wednesday, in class; with lecture, demonstration, and work time
- Office hours, 1 hour before class (email or Slack to schedule a 1:1) and throughout the week via Slack
- Slack team: id-sp17-ec
- Markup & Style
- Fundamentals of structural (HTML 5.2) and presentational (CSS 2.1/3) semantics
- Sections, Grouping, and Text; Tables and Forms
- Type, Color, and Layout
- 3-part introductory project
- Context & Content
Choose a recipe, markup and style the content.
Extra credit (optional) — Bake, cook, or prepare your recipe and photograph the process and/or final result for later use.
- Sections, Grouping, and Text
- Type, Color, and Layout