An excuse to apply what I have been learning about Vuejs.
This is the first iteration of the project, the idea is to continue iterating the project to improve it and add more features. This is a non-ordered list of ideas I have that could be implemented :
- Create a Nodejs backend to store stock information and provide values.
- Add authentication.
- Provide real time stats using Websockets
- Add charts to see how values evolve
- Tests
- E2E tests.
- Use Service Workers
- Make it a Progressive Web app
**Important: ** Since this is a experimental app, I am going to only support Modern Browsers, that means pretty much everything except IE11. I understand the importance of not leaving anyone behind, but this is not a production app.
If by any chance, someome was to open issues with suggestions, you are more than welcome. I know there are things that can be improved, but I am trying to don't fall into the perfection trap and never finish anything.
# install dependencies
npm install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build
# build for production and view the bundle analyzer report
npm run build --report