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@jhump jhump released this 13 Feb 05:32



  • If an option on a method included comments and was the kind of option that protoprint is able to handle, they would fail to be included in the printed output. Options were supported on all other types, just not on methods. This has been remedied: methods now have the same support for options comments as other elements.
  • The Printer type includes three new fields, to control formatting of complex options: ShortOptionsExpansionThresholdCount and ShortOptionsExpansionThresholdLength control when "short options" will be expanded to multiple lines, based on the number of options and the length of the options when rendered; MessageLiteralExpansionThresholdLength controls when message literals in option values will be expanded to multi-line form, based on if the length of the rendered string is too long.



  • The LoadServiceDescriptors function now accepts an interface, not just the concrete type *grpc.Server. Since *grpc.Server implements the interface, this change should be mostly backwards compatible. However, if there are usages that rely on the precise signature, such as assigning to a function variable whose signature requires *grpc.Server, this is a minor breaking change. Such usage is not expected.