Version 0.1.2 of this repository contains all necessary code and resources to reproduce the bioinformatics and statistical analyses presented at the time of acceptance from Functional Ecology journal.
Key Changes:
- Feedback from reviewers and collaborators has been incorporated.
- Minor revisions from editors.
- Plain language summary and image included.
- Included .docx format for tables.
- Figure and table captions compiled in .docx documents
- Code to produce table 4 was refactored into smaller functions and modules.
Included Manuscripts:
Aponte_Bolivar_aim3_manuscript.qmd and manuscript/Aponte_Bolivar_aim3_manuscript.docx: These are the current versions before official publication, incorporating comments and suggestions from reviewers and collaborators.
manuscript/submissions_revisions/Aponte_Bolivar_functional_ecology_manuscript_rev3_clean.docx: This is the most up-to-date version, reflecting final corrections such as typos and figure caption revisions, comments and suggestions from reviewers and collaborators. This is the version accepted for publication at Functional Ecology.