To conduct the JIBE mode choice modelling for Melbourne requires data preparation using travel survey data. The analysis draws on the Victorian Integrated Survey of Travel and Activity (VISTA1) for 2012-20, used with permission from the Victorian Department of Transport.
The analysis is conducted for the JIBE project by Carl Higgs (VISTA data preparation) and Mahsa Abdollahyar (travel time estimation) in August/September 2024, in coordination with Dr Qin Zhang, Corin Staves and Dr Belen Zapata-Diomedi.
It expands on an earlier mode choice analysis demonstration using the VISTA travel survey using the Rapid Realisting Routing with R5 (r5r) routing engine, conducted by Carl Higgs for the JIBE project in March 2022 on behalf of Dr Tayebeh Saghapour. This was subsequently adapted by Dr Alan Both for the JIBE project in February 2024.
The purpose of this analysis is to create appropriate data to inform travel demand generation using the Microscopic Transport Orchestrator (MITO) model by Dr Qin Zhang, transport simulation modelling by Corin Staves, and microsimulation of downstream health impacts related to mode choice and environmental exposures by Dr Belen Zapata-Diomedi, Dr Ali Abbas and Steve Pemberton.
A Quarto markdown document
be used to document the analysis and updated as the project progresses.
This shall also be rendered as a GitHub-Flavoured-Markdown document
convenient online viewing.
Code (at least at first) will draw on example code prepared by Dr Qin Zhang and Corin Staves, adapting as required for use with the VISTA travel survey.
No data or data-related outputs will be included in this document or
repository. By default, output is set to False. For non-sensitive
aspects, e.g. displaying the sessionInfo()
after running analysis,
this may be over-ridden.
27 August 2024: commenced, in progress
rm(list = ls()) # clear memory
Project dependencies are describe in the renv.lock
file; see renv for more information.
Instructions on installing dependencies using an renv
lock file are
library(conflicted) # package conflict handling
library(janitor) # data cleaning
library(knitr) # presentation
library(tidyverse) # data handling
library(fastDummies) # binary dummy variable utility
library(sf) # for coordinate reference transformation
conflict_prefer("filter", "dplyr")
conflict_prefer("lag", "dplyr")
Trips will be classified using a standard abbreviation schema, as advised by Dr Qin Zhang and Corin Staves 2 3 4
Classification | Description |
HBW | Home based work |
HBE | Home based education |
HBA | Home based accompanying/escort trip |
HBS | Home based shopping |
HBR | Home based recreational |
HBO | Home based other (e.g. health care, religious activity, visit friend/family) |
NHBW | Non-home based work (e.g. from workplace to restaurant) |
NHBO | Non-home based other (e.g. from supermarket to restaurant) |
RRT | Recreational Round Trip |
data <- c(
for (d in data) {
# Person identifier must uniquely identify persons (it does; there are 82,118 unique persons)
# Trip identifier must uniquely identify trips (it does not)
# Look at duplicate tripids (4,104 are NA)
# I visually checked the CSV file and confirmed that these rows just consist of commas
# This can occur if someone exports a CSV from Excel that inadvertently includes blank rows
# I am surprised that the read csv default 'skip_empty_rows = TRUE' did not deal with this.
# Omit NA tripid rows from tripid dataset
survey$T <- survey$T %>% filter(!sapply(tripid,
# Trip id must be unique (now, it is; there are 221,819 unique trips)
# Household ID must uniquely identify households (it does; there are 32,133 households)
Left joining households to persons, and left joining that to the trip dataset so we have trips>persons>households, respectively joined using their unique identifiers.
trips <- survey$T %>% left_join(survey$P %>% left_join(survey$H, by='hhid'), by='persid')
trips %>% colnames()
## [1] "tripid" "persid" "hhid.x"
## [4] "stops" "tripno" "starthour"
## [7] "startime" "arrhour" "arrtime"
## [10] "triptime" "travtime" "waitime"
## [13] "duration" "cumdist" "origplace1"
## [16] "origplace2" "origpurp1" "origpurp2"
## [19] "destplace1" "destplace2" "destpurp1"
## [22] "destpurp2" "origsa1" "origsa2"
## [25] "origsa2_name" "origsa3" "origsa3_name"
## [28] "origsa4" "origsa4_name" "origlga"
## [31] "destsa1" "destsa2" "destsa2_name"
## [34] "destsa3" "destsa3_name" "destsa4"
## [37] "destsa4_name" "destlga" "trippurp"
## [40] "linkmode" "dist1" "dist2"
## [43] "dist3" "dist4" "dist5"
## [46] "dist6" "dist7" "dist8"
## [49] "dist9" "dist10" "mode1"
## [52] "mode2" "mode3" "mode4"
## [55] "mode5" "mode6" "mode7"
## [58] "mode8" "mode9" "mode10"
## [61] "time1" "time2" "time3"
## [64] "time4" "time5" "time6"
## [67] "time7" "time8" "time9"
## [70] "time10" "wdtripwgt_sa3" "wetripwgt_sa3"
## [73] "wdtripwgt_lga" "wetripwgt_lga" "origmb"
## [76] "origlat" "origlong" "destmb"
## [79] "destlat" "destlong" "hhid.y"
## [82] "persno" "numstops" "monthofbirth"
## [85] "yearofbirth" "age" "sex"
## [88] "relationship" "persinc" "carlicence"
## [91] "mbikelicence" "otherlicence" "nolicence"
## [94] "fulltimework" "parttimework" "casualwork"
## [97] "anywork" "studying" "activities"
## [100] "mainact" "worktype" "emptype"
## [103] "anzsco1" "anzsco2" "anzsic1"
## [106] "anzsic2" "startplace" "additionaltravel"
## [109] "cycledwork" "cycledshopping" "cycledexercise"
## [112] "cycledother" "nocycled" "wdperswgt_sa3"
## [115] "weperswgt_sa3" "wdperswgt_lga" "weperswgt_lga"
## [118] "surveyperiod" "travdow" "travmonth"
## [121] "daytype" "owndwell" "hhsize"
## [124] "hhinc" "visitors" "aveage"
## [127] "youngest" "oldest" "yearslived"
## [130] "monthslived" "adultbikes" "kidsbikes"
## [133] "totalbikes" "cars" "fourwds"
## [136] "utes" "vans" "trucks"
## [139] "mbikes" "othervehs" "totalvehs"
## [142] "wdhhwgt_sa3" "wehhwgt_sa3" "wdhhwgt_lga"
## [145] "wehhwgt_lga" "homesa1" "homesa2"
## [148] "homesa2_name" "homesa3" "homesa3_name"
## [151] "homesa4" "homesa4_name" "homelga"
## [154] "homesubregion_asgc" "homeregion_asgc" "homesubregion_asgs"
## [157] "homeregion_asgs" "homepc" "homemb"
## [160] "centroid_long" "centroid_lat"
The example TRADS analysis conducted by Dr Qin Zhang (not included in this repo) derived trip purpose through classification of origin and destination categories.
The VISTA Trips dataset variables (see
has this information in the origplace1
(‘Origin Place Type (Summary)’)
and destplace1
(‘Destination Place Type (Summary)’) variables. The
variables origplace2
and destplace2
contain more detail if this is
required for any downstream analyses.
places<- full_join(
trips$origplace1%>%replace_na('NA')%>%table()%>%sort(decreasing=TRUE,na.last=TRUE)%>>%`colnames<-`(c('Place','Origins (n)')),
trips$destplace1%>%replace_na('NA')%>%table()%>%sort(decreasing=TRUE,na.last=TRUE)%>>%`colnames<-`(c('Place','Destinations (n)'))
Place | Origins (n) | Destinations (n) |
Accommodation | 101767 | 103321 |
Shops | 28722 | 28742 |
Workplace | 27808 | 27450 |
Place of Education | 20481 | 20609 |
Social Place | 12442 | 12468 |
Recreational Place | 12333 | 12380 |
Place of Personal Business | 8299 | 8350 |
Natural Feature | 4320 | 4440 |
Other | 3356 | 1622 |
Transport Feature | 2289 | 2436 |
NA | 1 | NA |
Not Stated | 1 | 1 |
Total | 221819 | 221819 |
In the above, ‘Accommodation’ may be thought of as ‘Home’.
There was one trip record missing an origin category (origplace1
both as NA), with destination of Accommodation (i.e. home).
There were coordinates recorded for this record (manual check), and the
Vista data contained ‘Purpose at Start of Trip Stage (Summary)’
) as “Work related” and ‘Purpose at End of Trip (Summary)’
) as ‘Go home’. Following the TRADS example, this means, for
derived purpose purposes this record would be an NA (i.e. return trip)
and for derived full purpose, a home-based work trip.
As noted above, VISTA also has origin and destination trip purpose
summary variables recorded, origpurp1
and destpurp1
. My
understanding, beyond the data dictionary definitions in the above
paragraph, is that these provide the reason for being at the origin, and
the reason for going to the destination. Hence in the above example,
even though the above was an NA for origin (for whatever reason) it is
to be interpreted as ‘Work’.
Here are the list of given trip start (origin) and end (destination) purposes:
purpose<- full_join(
trips$origpurp1%>%replace_na('NA')%>%table()%>%sort(decreasing=TRUE,na.last=TRUE)%>>%`colnames<-`(c('Purpose','Start (n)')),
trips$destpurp1%>%replace_na('NA')%>%table()%>%sort(decreasing=TRUE,na.last=TRUE)%>>%`colnames<-`(c('Purpose','End (n)'))
Purpose | Start (n) | End (n) |
At Home | 87031 | NA |
Work Related | 28465 | 28485 |
Buy Something | 23742 | 23748 |
Social | 22758 | 22950 |
Pick-up or Drop-off Someone | 15347 | 15372 |
Recreational | 11533 | 11631 |
Personal Business | 11009 | 12672 |
Education | 8344 | 8365 |
Accompany Someone | 7623 | 7725 |
Pick-up or Deliver Something | 3120 | 3122 |
Unknown Purpose (at start of day) | 1832 | NA |
Other Purpose | 998 | 697 |
Change Mode | 12 | 142 |
Not Stated | 4 | 4 |
NA | 1 | 1 |
At or Go Home | NA | 86905 |
Total | 221819 | 221819 |
There were recorded instances of NA for one origin and one destination trip purpose.
One of these had a recorded origin of ‘Transport Feature’ (purpose: to ‘Pick-up or Drop-off Someone’) with destination of Workplace (purpose: NA). Arguably if you’re going into work, that’s a work-related trip. Perhaps there are grey areas (e.g. its your day off and you’re picking up the sandwich you left in the fridge), but it would be consistent with TRADS to interpret this as a ‘Non-Home Based Work Trip’.
The other is similar: from Workplace (purpose NA) to Place of Education (purpose: Education). That’s a ‘Non-home based work’ trip’ (there isn’t a non-home based education trip in the above classification schema, so the choice is easy).
Following this review, and below stated considerations, it was determined to identify MITO purpose using origin and destination places and purposes, as required to approximate the required categories.
(following e-mail discussion with Corin 2024-08-31) We are interested in recreational round-trips (RRTs), where these involve going for a walk/ride and returning back to the origin without reaching any other destination (e.g., going for a run, walking the dog).
To better understand where these kind of trips may be being classified
in Vista, we can list the distinct categories in the origpurp2
purpose_detail<- full_join(
trips$origpurp2%>%replace_na('NA')%>%table()%>%sort(decreasing=TRUE,na.last=TRUE)%>>%`colnames<-`(c('Purpose','Start (n)')),
trips$destpurp2%>%replace_na('NA')%>%table()%>%sort(decreasing=TRUE,na.last=TRUE)%>>%`colnames<-`(c('Purpose','End (n)'))
Purpose | Start (n) | End (n) |
At home | 87031 | NA |
Bought something | 23621 | 23627 |
Own Workplace | 22625 | 22638 |
Someone picked-up or delivered | 15347 | 15372 |
Ate or drank | 10017 | 10026 |
Visited someone | 9466 | 9602 |
Other recreational (eg. exercise) | 8911 | 8984 |
Accompanied someone | 7576 | 7671 |
At school | 7170 | 7064 |
Employer’s Business | 5823 | 5830 |
Walked the dog | 3533 | 3563 |
Something picked-up or delivered for Home | 3120 | NA |
Medical/Dental purposes | 2487 | 2490 |
Unknown (at start of day) | 1832 | NA |
Personal business (eg banking) | 1733 | 1744 |
Social (NEC) | 1585 | 1623 |
Participated in sport | 1390 | 1388 |
Religious activity | 1215 | 1214 |
Personal Business (NEC) | 1182 | 1183 |
Recreational (NEC) | 1124 | 1149 |
At Uni/Tech | 873 | 1001 |
Watched concert, movies etc | 788 | 791 |
Watched sport | 727 | 728 |
Other (NEC) | 686 | 696 |
Volunteer/Community activity | 412 | 412 |
NA | 315 | 2 |
Stayed overnight | 287 | 1912 |
Education (NEC) | 222 | 215 |
Met/waited for someone | 189 | 188 |
Socialised (Pubs, Clubs etc) | 175 | 174 |
Browsing, window-shopping | 121 | 121 |
Participated in concert,musical,band etc | 104 | 104 |
At other house | 74 | 93 |
At childcare | 24 | 24 |
Work purposes (NEC) | 12 | NA |
Change Mode (NEC) | 8 | 139 |
Something picked-up or delivered for Work | 5 | 5 |
Not Stated | 4 | 2 |
Parked or unparked a vehicle | 4 | NA |
At other Post-Secondary Study | 1 | 1 |
Go home | NA | 86905 |
Something picked-up or delivered for home | NA | 3122 |
Work-Related (NEC) | NA | 12 |
Not Applicable | NA | 3 |
Got on or off PT | NA | 1 |
Total | 221819 | 221819 |
So, we see ’Walked the dog was cited approximate 3,500 times as a purpose for origin and destination.
(incidentally, the purpose category ‘Employer’s business’ likely matches intent of the MITO categories)
To see how such trips may be referenced using the higher level purpose and place variables, let’s explore more:
survey$T[survey$T$origpurp2=="Walked the dog","origpurp1"] %>% table()%>%sort(decreasing=TRUE,na.last=TRUE)%>% kable()
x | |
Personal Business | 3533 |
So, ‘walked the dog’ is an example of what someone may conduct as ‘personal business’
survey$T[survey$T$origpurp2=="Walked the dog",c("destpurp2")] %>% table()%>%sort(decreasing=TRUE,na.last=TRUE)%>>%`colnames<-`(c('Purpose','End (n)')) %>%adorn_totals() %>% kable()
Purpose | End (n) |
Go home | 3308 |
Bought something | 52 |
Stayed overnight | 43 |
Visited someone | 33 |
Ate or drank | 23 |
Someone picked-up or delivered | 13 |
Own Workplace | 10 |
Something picked-up or delivered for home | 9 |
Walked the dog | 9 |
Personal business (eg banking) | 8 |
Other (NEC) | 6 |
Accompanied someone | 4 |
At other house | 4 |
Personal Business (NEC) | 4 |
Employer’s Business | 2 |
Other recreational (eg. exercise) | 2 |
Recreational (NEC) | 2 |
At school | 1 |
Total | 3533 |
The most common purpose of someone conducting personal business to walk the dog is to ‘Go home’ (likely a recreational round trip, but identifying the broader pattern requires further investigation). Another destination purpose is ‘Walked the dog’, what are the places associated with such a double coding?
(survey$T %>% filter(survey$T$origpurp2=="Walked the dog" & survey$T$destpurp2=="Walked the dog"))[c("origplace1","destplace2")] %>% table() %>% kable()
Park | Recreational NEC | Someone Else’s Home | Sport Ground or Oval | |
Natural Feature | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Other | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 |
Recreational Place | 0 | 3 | 0 | 2 |
So, these are examples of walking to some location to walk a dog and presumably, these are middle segments of larger trip chains where people have left home to walk the dog, and subsequently return home from walking the dog. In other words, these likely are examples of recreational round trips (arguably); how could that be captured, or should it? Maybe not in the case of someone else’s home, but perhaps ‘Recreational NEC’ is simply walking the dog in the middle of a recreational round trip involving that activity.
I believe (from exploration not recorded here) it hints at the general pattern of recreational round trips where these are recorded across multiple legs of trip IDs, e.g.
Event | tripno | origpurp1 | destpurp1 | origpurp2 | destpurp2 | origplace1 | destplace1 |
Commence RRT | j |
At Home | Personal Business | At home | Walked the dog | Accommodation | Recreational Place |
Return leg of RRT | j+1 |
Personal Business | At or Go Home | Walked the dog | Go home | Recreational Place | Accommodation |
I believe the above is the pattern of an RRT, where there are
- two consecutive
within the one persid - first has
==‘At Home’,destpurp1
== ‘Personal Business’ anddestplace1
of ‘Recreational Place’ - second has
==‘Recreational Place’,origpurp1
== ‘Personal Business’ anddestpurp1
==‘At or Go Home’
This would be expected to be a more general case than simply walking a dog; e.g. going for a walk in general, or a bike ride; i.e. the intent of RRT. It is plausible that there could be other purposes than personal business this round trip pattern could be classified under.
The high level destination of ‘Recreational Place’ is too vague (e.g. includes Gym or Racecourses); the lower-level identifier of ‘Recrational NEC’ is the more useful, and most common one in this scenario – I believe it implies, a trip for its own recreational purposes.
(survey$T %>% filter(survey$T$origpurp1=='At Home' & survey$T$destplace1=='Recreational Place'))['destplace2'] %>% table() %>% sort(decreasing=TRUE,na.last=TRUE) %>% kable()
destplace2 | Freq |
Recreational NEC | 4726 |
Gym | 1397 |
Sport Ground or Oval | 1381 |
Swimming Pool | 880 |
Other Indoor Sport | 733 |
Golf | 331 |
Tennis Court | 240 |
Other Outdoor Sport | 135 |
Lawn Bowls | 112 |
Racecourse | 61 |
Other Water Sport | 29 |
Skating Rink | 11 |
Tenpin Bowling | 9 |
Squash Court | 6 |
I am not sure off hand how best to classify this multi-trip paradigm, that is distinct from other single trip classifications, in code. ** @CorinStaves and @Qinnnnn, keen to hear your thoughts on this! **.
To ensure proper coding, origplace1
will be recorded as work related
where origin purpose is ‘Work Related’ (for now, pending review with
trips[$origplace1) & trips$origpurp1=='Work Related','origplace1'] <- 'Workplace'
Also, for now we will replace these respective NA values as ‘workplace’ (will run this past colleagues later for thoughts on this) to ensure we have the appropriate fields in order to categorise as NHBW, later.
trips[$destpurp1) & trips$destplace1=='Workplace','destpurp1'] <- 'Work Related'
trips[$origpurp1) & trips$origplace1=='Workplace','origpurp1'] <- 'Work Related'
places<- full_join(
trips$origplace1%>%replace_na('NA')%>%table()%>%sort(decreasing=TRUE,na.last=TRUE)%>>%`colnames<-`(c('Place','Origins (n)')),
trips$destplace1%>%replace_na('NA')%>%table()%>%sort(decreasing=TRUE,na.last=TRUE)%>>%`colnames<-`(c('Place','Destinations (n)'))
kable(places %>% replace(, 0)) # NA counts are really zeroes
Place | Origins (n) | Destinations (n) |
Accommodation | 101767 | 103321 |
Shops | 28722 | 28742 |
Workplace | 27809 | 27450 |
Place of Education | 20481 | 20609 |
Social Place | 12442 | 12468 |
Recreational Place | 12333 | 12380 |
Place of Personal Business | 8299 | 8350 |
Natural Feature | 4320 | 4440 |
Other | 3356 | 1622 |
Transport Feature | 2289 | 2436 |
Not Stated | 1 | 1 |
Total | 221819 | 221819 |
purpose<- full_join(
trips$origpurp1%>%replace_na('NA')%>%table()%>%sort(decreasing=TRUE,na.last=TRUE)%>>%`colnames<-`(c('Purpose','Start (n)')),
trips$destpurp1%>%replace_na('NA')%>%table()%>%sort(decreasing=TRUE,na.last=TRUE)%>>%`colnames<-`(c('Purpose','End (n)'))
kable(purpose %>% replace(, 0)) # NA counts are really zeroes
Purpose | Start (n) | End (n) |
At Home | 87031 | 0 |
Work Related | 28466 | 28486 |
Buy Something | 23742 | 23748 |
Social | 22758 | 22950 |
Pick-up or Drop-off Someone | 15347 | 15372 |
Recreational | 11533 | 11631 |
Personal Business | 11009 | 12672 |
Education | 8344 | 8365 |
Accompany Someone | 7623 | 7725 |
Pick-up or Deliver Something | 3120 | 3122 |
Unknown Purpose (at start of day) | 1832 | 0 |
Other Purpose | 998 | 697 |
Change Mode | 12 | 142 |
Not Stated | 4 | 4 |
At or Go Home | 0 | 86905 |
Total | 221819 | 221819 |
We have now imputed values for the NA places and purposes.
RRT identification, as per considerations listed above, is not yet implemented
trips <- trips %>% rename(origin=origpurp1, destination=destpurp1)
trips <- trips %>%
purpose = case_when(
origpurp2 == "Employer's Business" | destpurp2 == "Employer's Business" ~ "business",
origin %in% c("Unknown Purpose (at start of day)", "Not Stated") |
destination %in% c("NA", "Not Stated") ~ "unknown",
origin == "At Home" & destination == "At or Go Home" ~ "RRT",
origin == "At Home" ~ case_when(
destination == "Work Related" ~ "HBW",
destination == "Education" ~ "HBE",
destination == "Buy Something" ~ "HBS",
destination == "Recreational" ~ "HBR",
destination == "Other Purpose" ~ "HBO",
destination %in% c("Accompany Someone","Pick-up or Drop-off Someone") ~ "HBA",
# Classify remaining trips using place information if clearer than purpose
destplace1 == "Workplace" ~ "HBW",
destplace1 == "Place of Education" ~ "HBE",
destplace1 == "Shops" ~ "HBS",
destplace1 %in% c("Recreational Place","Natural Feature", "Social Place") ~ "HBR",
destplace1 %in% c("Accommodation","Change Mode","Transport Feature", "Other") ~ "HBO"
destination == "At or Go Home" ~ "NA",
origin == "Work Related" | destination == "Work Related" ~ "NHBW",
full_purpose = case_when(
destination %in% c("Unknown Purpose (at start of day)", "Not Stated") |
origin %in% c("NA", "Not Stated") ~ "unknown",
destination == "At Home" & origin == "At or Go Home" ~ "RRT",
destination == "At Home" ~ case_when(
origin == "Work Related" ~ "HBW",
origin == "Education" ~ "HBE",
origin == "Buy Something" ~ "HBS",
origin == "Recreational" ~ "HBR",
origin == "Other Purpose" ~ "HBO",
origin %in% c("Accompany Someone","Pick-up or Drop-off Someone") ~ "HBA",
# Classify remaining trips using place information if clearer than purpose
origplace1 == "Workplace" ~ "HBW",
origplace1 == "Place of Education" ~ "HBE",
origplace1 == "Shops" ~ "HBS",
origplace1 %in% c("Recreational Place","Natural Feature", "Social Place") ~ "HBR",
origplace1 %in% c("Accommodation","Change Mode","Transport Feature", "Other") ~ "HBO"
origin == "At or Go Home" ~ "NA",
destination == "Work Related" | origin == "Work Related" ~ "NHBW",
TRUE ~ purpose
purpose.MITO <- trips$purpose %>%
replace_na('slipped through cracks') %>%
table() %>%
sort(decreasing=TRUE,na.last=TRUE) %>% %>%
`colnames<-`(c('MITO Purpose','Count')) %>%
MITO Purpose | Count |
NA | 83858 |
NHBO | 30777 |
HBR | 18511 |
HBW | 16925 |
HBA | 15321 |
HBS | 14628 |
NHBW | 10498 |
business | 10078 |
HBE | 7721 |
HBO | 7286 |
slipped through cracks | 4325 |
unknown | 1799 |
RRT | 92 |
Total | 221819 |
(RRT classification method not yet correctly implemented)
As per correspondence with @CorinStaves (2024-09-16) a file is required with the following fields:
Description | Variable | Data type |
Household identifier | hhid | string |
Person identifier | persid | string |
Trip identifier | tripid | string |
Trip mode | linkmode | string |
Trip origin coordinate (Y) | origlat | numeric |
Trip origin coordinate (X) | origlong | numeric |
Trip destination coordinate (Y) | destlat | numeric |
Trip destination coordinates (X) | destlong | numeric |
Before outputing this, lets display a frequency table of unique modes, so its clear what we’re dealing with here:
trips$linkmode %>%
table() %>%
sort(decreasing=TRUE,na.last=TRUE) %>% %>%
`colnames<-`(c('Mode','Count')) %>%
adorn_totals() %>%
Mode | Count |
Vehicle Driver | 114917 |
Vehicle Passenger | 51713 |
Walking | 34964 |
Train | 8862 |
Bicycle | 3584 |
Tram | 2485 |
Public Bus | 2315 |
School Bus | 931 |
Other | 732 |
Taxi | 616 |
Motorcycle | 478 |
Jogging | 198 |
Mobility Scooter | 24 |
Total | 221819 |
This broadly makes sense to me, but then again, perhaps there is a more simplified schema of modes you’d prefer @CorinStaves? If so, we can re-classify using those, just let me know.
Before outputting the CSV, I had a look at a variable summary of the data so you know what you’re getting and to confirm the summary stats make sense. Because the lon and lat are separated when looking at minimums, and highly rounded, this is in no way identifiable, but for safety sake I have not included this summary here:
trips[c('hhid.x','persid','tripid','linkmode','origlat','origlong','destlat','destlong')] %>% summary()
So, there is a maximum destlat of -1 and a minimum destlong of -2 according to the summary, which seems odd.
trips[(trips$destlat > -3)|(trips$destlong < 3),c("persid","hhid.x","linkmode","time1","destlat","destlong")] %>% print(n=25)
There were 21 of these outlying records (21/221,819=0.0094672%), all of which began in Melbourne and were in personal vehicles (n=18), taxi (n=2) or bicycle (n=1). All of these outlying trips had only one leg, and ranged in duration from 30 to 515 minutes (median 150, IQR 150-300). So even in 6 hours, I don’t think its plausible that someone could get to the equator (in a car; somewhere south of Lagos?). Best to treat these outliers as missing data for trip purposes. I have left them in (for now) to allow you to deal with them as you choose – but I recommend excluding from analyses.
Coordinates are required to be EPSG:28355 for the Melbourne analysis. To reproject the coordinates (presumably WGS84, EPSG4326; its not in the documentation that I have) will require importing a library for spatial analysis.
# Create an sf object for origin coordinates
orig_sf <- st_as_sf(trips[c('hhid.x','persid','tripid','linkmode','origlat','origlong','destlat','destlong')],
coords = c("origlong", "origlat"),
crs = 4326
# Transform the origin coordinates to EPSG:28355
orig_sf <- st_transform(orig_sf, crs = 28355)
# Extract the transformed coordinates and retain unique tripid for linkage
orig_coords <- st_coordinates(orig_sf)
orig_transformed <- data.frame(tripid = trips$tripid, orig_x = orig_coords[, 1], orig_y = orig_coords[, 2])
# Create an sf object for destination coordinates
dest_sf <- st_as_sf(trips, coords = c("destlong", "destlat"), crs = 4326)
# Transform the destination coordinates to EPSG:28355
dest_sf <- st_transform(dest_sf, crs = 28355)
# Extract the transformed coordinates and retain tripid
dest_coords <- st_coordinates(dest_sf)
dest_transformed <- data.frame(tripid = trips$tripid, dest_x = dest_coords[, 1], dest_y = dest_coords[, 2])
# Merge the transformed coordinates back into the original dataframe using tripid
trips_transformed <- trips %>%
left_join(orig_transformed, by = "tripid") %>%
left_join(dest_transformed, by = "tripid") %>%
select(hhid.x, persid, tripid, linkmode, orig_x, orig_y, dest_x, dest_y)
# Export the dataframe to a CSV file
write.csv(trips[c('hhid.x','persid','tripid','linkmode','origlat','origlong','destlat','destlong')], "../trips_preview_EPSG4326.csv", row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(trips_transformed, "../trips_preview_EPSG28355.csv", row.names = FALSE)
I read both the untransformed and transformed files into QGIS and confirmed that the linkage with transformed coordinates was as intended.
Car and pt travel time are simulated in MATSim using the recorded coordinates/zones of the trip origin and destination
THIS CODE IS NOT CURRENTLY RUN. Its pending the above analysis being finalised, and {r} being added to the code block to trigger its running.
trips = trips%>%
colnames(trips)[which(names(trips) == "time")] = "carTravelTime_sec"
colnames(trips)[which(names(trips) == "totalTravelTime")] = "ptTravelTime_sec"
trips$carTravelTime_sec = as.numeric(trips$carTravelTime_sec)
trips$ptTravelTime_sec = as.numeric(trips$ptTravelTime_sec)
trips$dist = as.numeric(trips$dist)
# 1. filter out trips origin/destination outside Boundary (after filtering 30044 trips)
# The boundary is defined as 10 km over the study area and the full coverage of the spatial attributes
trips = trips%>%
trips = trips%>%
# 2. filter out trips with mode "Other" or "unknown" (after filtering 29932)
trips = trips%>%
# 3. filter out trips with purpose "RRT", "business", and "unknown" and "return home" (after filtering 27952)
trips = trips%>%
For Manchester there were a substantial number of intrazonal trips, having origin and destination are recorded with the same output area (OA).
For Melbourne, we need to check if intrazonal trips exist, sharing identical origin and destination coordinates.
# Estimate distance-dependent speed of car and pt
averageSpeed = trips%>%
filter(SameOrigAndDest == "false" & dist != 0 & carTravelTime_sec != 0 & ptTravelTime_sec != 0)%>%
mutate(speed_car = as.numeric(dist)/carTravelTime_sec,
speed_pt = as.numeric(dist)/ptTravelTime_sec)
lm_carSpeed=lm(speed_car ~ as.numeric(dist),averageSpeed)
lm_ptSpeed=lm(speed_pt ~ sqrt(as.numeric(dist)),averageSpeed)
# Use reported trip length to impute travel time of alternative modes,
# If reported trip length == 0, then use reported travel time to impute travel time of alternative modes
intrazonalTrips=intrazonalTrips %>%
within({ dist = case_when(t.tripLength > 0 ~ t.tripLength * 1.2,
t.tripLength == 0 ~ case_when(t.m_main_agg == "Walk" ~ t.travelTime * (4.0/3.6), #average walk speed 4km/h
t.m_main_agg == "Bike" ~ t.travelTime * (12.5/3.6), #average cycle speed 4km/h
t.m_main_agg == "Car" ~ t.travelTime * (30.0/3.6), #average car speed 30 km/h
t.m_main_agg == "Pt" ~ t.travelTime * (6.0/3.6)))}) #average pt speed km/h
mutate(carSpeed_impute = predict(lm_carSpeed,intrazonalTrips),
ptSpeed_impute = predict(lm_ptSpeed,intrazonalTrips),
carTravelTime_sec = dist/carSpeed_impute,
ptTravelTime_sec = dist/ptSpeed_impute)
trips = trips%>%
select(-carSpeed_impute, -ptSpeed_impute),by="t.ID")
# Get today's date
today <- format(Sys.Date(), "%Y_%m_%d")
# Add today's date as a suffix to the filename
filename <- paste0("trips_Melbourne_JIBE_", today, ".csv")
# Write to CSV with the updated filename
write.csv(trips, file = filename, row.names = FALSE)
The following information records the version of R used for this analysis:
## R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14 ucrt)
## Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64
## Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19045)
## Matrix products: default
## locale:
## [1] LC_COLLATE=English_Australia.utf8 LC_CTYPE=English_Australia.utf8
## [3] LC_MONETARY=English_Australia.utf8 LC_NUMERIC=C
## [5] LC_TIME=English_Australia.utf8
## time zone: Australia/Sydney
## tzcode source: internal
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats graphics grDevices datasets utils methods base
## other attached packages:
## [1] sf_1.0-17 fastDummies_1.7.4 lubridate_1.9.3 forcats_1.0.0
## [5] stringr_1.5.1 dplyr_1.1.4 purrr_1.0.2 readr_2.1.5
## [9] tidyr_1.3.1 tibble_3.2.1 ggplot2_3.5.1 tidyverse_2.0.0
## [13] knitr_1.48 janitor_2.2.0 conflicted_1.2.0
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] utf8_1.2.4 generics_0.1.3 renv_1.0.7 class_7.3-22
## [5] KernSmooth_2.23-24 stringi_1.8.4 hms_1.1.3 digest_0.6.37
## [9] magrittr_2.0.3 evaluate_0.24.0 grid_4.4.1 timechange_0.3.0
## [13] fastmap_1.2.0 jsonlite_1.8.8 e1071_1.7-16 DBI_1.2.3
## [17] fansi_1.0.6 scales_1.3.0 cli_3.6.3 crayon_1.5.3
## [21] rlang_1.1.4 units_0.8-5 bit64_4.0.5 munsell_0.5.1
## [25] withr_3.0.1 cachem_1.1.0 yaml_2.3.10 parallel_4.4.1
## [29] tools_4.4.1 tzdb_0.4.0 memoise_2.0.1 colorspace_2.1-1
## [33] vctrs_0.6.5 R6_2.5.1 proxy_0.4-27 classInt_0.4-10
## [37] lifecycle_1.0.4 snakecase_0.11.1 bit_4.0.5 vroom_1.6.5
## [41] pkgconfig_2.0.3 pillar_1.9.0 gtable_0.3.5 Rcpp_1.0.13
## [45] glue_1.7.0 xfun_0.47 tidyselect_1.2.1 rstudioapi_0.16.0
## [49] htmltools_0.5.8.1 rmarkdown_2.28 compiler_4.4.1
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