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This repository includes the implementation for In-Domain Inversion for Improved 3D Face Alignment on Asymmetrical Expressions (FG 2024), for 3D face alignmente on a wide range of facial expressions.


ParFace is publicly available for research purposes. To get access to the dataset, please send an email to jilliam_maria.diaz_barros [at] dfki [dot] de.

Setup and demo

  1. Clone repository:

git clone

  1. Install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

  1. Download models. More info here.

  2. Run demo:

python demo/

Train your own model

Prepare datasets and output files

Download the datasets for training your model and update the paths in local_config.ini. Specify the path to store the models and images during training, in data and outputs, respectively.

DATASET = /path/to/dataset
data = /path/to/models/
outputs = /path/to/output/

Process the annotation files to have the same structure as in The annotation files should be placed in csv/.


Self-supervised stage

To train the autoencoder for 50 epochs with multiple datasets, using the L2 loss (--with-l1-loss 0), WGAN-GP adversarial loss (--with-wgan-gp 1) and perceptual loss (--with-perceptual-loss 1) with layers (3, 8, 15, 22):

python src/ --sessionname self_sup --epoch 50 --with-l1-loss 0 --with-wgan-gp 1 --with-perceptual-loss 1 --p-loss-features 3 8 15 22 --daug 4 --input-size 256 --dataset-train celeba wlp300 menpo2d ls3d neuroface meei palsy affectnet --update-D-freq 1 --normalize

The model above is trained with input size of 256x256 (--input-size), standard data augmentation (--daug) and the discriminator is updated every N steps (--update-D-freq N).

To fine tune for 50 epochs with the L1 loss instead of L2, use:

python src/ --sessionname self_sup -r self_sup/00050 -epoch 100 --with-l1-loss 1 --with-wgan-gp 1 --with-perceptual-loss 1 --p-loss-features 3 8 15 22 --daug 4 --input-size 256 ---dataset-train celeba wlp300 menpo2d ls3d neuroface meei palsy affectnet --update-D-freq 1 --normalize

In-domain inversion module

To refine the latent code from the self-supervise stage in 50 epochs, disable the decoder with --train-decoder 0:

python src/ --sessionname self_sup -r self_sup/00100 --epoch 150 --train-decoder 0 --with-l1-loss 0 --with-wgan-gp 1 --with-perceptual-loss 1 --p-loss-features 3 8 15 22 --daug 4 --input-size 256  --dataset-train celeba wlp300 menpo2d ls3d neuroface meei palsy affectnet --update-D-freq 1 --normalize

2D, 3DA-2D and 3D landmark detectors

The 2D landmarks detector can be trained for 100 epochs using:

python src/ --sessionname l2d_300w -r self_sup/00150 --epoch 250 --dataset menpo2d --crop-source lm_ground_truth --use-adaptive-wing-loss 1 --normalize

To fine tune the encoder for 100 epochs:

python src/ --sessionname l2d_300w -r l2d_300w/00250 --train-encoder 1 --epoch 350 --dataset menpo2d --crop-source lm_ground_truth --use-adaptive-wing-loss 1 --normalize

The commands above train on 300W, using the ground-truth landmarks to crop the face and the AWing loss.

To train a 3DA-2D landmark detector using 300W-LP and fine tune the encoder, use:

python src/ --sessionname l3da2d_300wlp -r l2d_300w/00350 --epoch 450 --dataset wlp300 --crop-source lm_ground_truth --use-adaptive-wing-loss 1 --normalize
python src/ --sessionname l3da2d_300wlp -r l3da2d_300wlp/00450 --train-encoder 1 --epoch 550 --dataset wlp300 --crop-source lm_ground_truth --use-adaptive-wing-loss 1 --normalize

The 3D landmark head can be trained as follows:

python src/ --sessionname l3d_300wlp -r l3da2d_300wlp/00550 --epoch 650 --dataset wlp300 --crop-source lm_ground_truth --use-adaptive-wing-loss 1 --normalize


To evaluate the performance of the landmark detector in the test set of AFLW2000-3D and ParFace, use --benchmark and specify a subset with --test-split if necessary, as follows:

python src/ -r l3d_300wlp/00650 --dataset aflw20003d --crop-source lm_ground_truth --test-split full --benchmark --ocular-norm bb --eval-3d True --normalize
python src/ -r l3d_300wlp/00650 --dataset palsy --crop-source lm_ground_truth --test-split full --benchmark --ocular-norm bb --eval-3d True --normalize

The results will be displayed similarly to:

Evaluation l3d_300wlp/00650 on palsy dataset. Bbox norm
[2024-01-25 14:30:48] Switching to benchmark mode...
[2024-01-25 14:30:50] Resuming session l3d_300wlp/00650 from snapshot l3d_300wlp/00650...
[2024-01-25 14:30:51] Evaluating 'l3d_300wlp/00650'...
[2024-01-25 14:31:18] NME:    3.786
[2024-01-25 14:31:18] STD_NME:    2.975
[2024-01-25 14:31:18] FR@10:  0.815 (11)
[2024-01-25 14:31:18] AUC:   0.6281
[2024-01-25 14:31:18] GTE:    8.193
[2024-01-25 14:31:18] STD_GTE:    4.374


If you find this repository useful for your research, please cite the following paper:

  title={In-Domain Inversion for Improved {3D} Face Alignment on Asymmetrical Expressions},
  author={D{\'\i}az Barros, Jilliam Mar{\'\i}a and Rambach, Jason and Murthy, Pramod and Stricker, Didier},
  booktitle={Int. Conf. on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG)},


This repository is partially based on the code from 3FabRec and uses the landmark loss from AdaptiveWing.


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