This is the script used for System Combination reported in the work: "Features for Search and Understanding ofNoisy Conversational Speech"
USAGE: <language code> <corpus (dev|eval)> <kwlist id (dev|eval)>
<method> <output path> <input files> [--weights <weights>]
* <method> can be one of the following:
# MAX: final score = maximum score of the detections
# MIN: final score = minimum score of the detections
# MED: final score = median score of the detections
# SUM: final score = sum(score * weight) of the detections
# MNZ: final score = sum(score * weight) * sum(weight) of the detections
# ANZ: final score = sum(score * weight) / sum(weight) of the detections
(weighted average of the scores)
* <output path>: Two detection lists will be written to this path:
# kwslist.raw.xml: With unnormalized scores;
# kwslist.xml : With normalized scores, ready for scoring.
* <input files>: Specify the input detection lists. You can supply
detection lists with either unnormalized or normalized scores.
Wildcards are accepted.
* <weights>: Specify weights for each detection list. There must be exactly
as many weights as input files. If not given, defaults to all ones.