Yet another starter kit for creating REST API in seconds, heavily focused on easy maintanace and code readability.
- Express.js
- TypeScript
- TypeORM
- Swagger
server.ts # The main entry point that create an instance of the application.
routes.ts # Routes for the API automatically generated by TSOA.
swagger.json # Swagger definition for all of the enoints also generated by TSOA.
utils # Helper objects extracted to separate files.
models # Classes and definitions for all buisness objects.
middlewares # Middlewares used by the application for various tasks
controllers # Put all your API controllers here.
config # Configuration files
Getting up and running is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
Install your dependencies
Generate RSA Key Pair for JWT token signing
openssl genrsa -des3 -out private.pem 2048 openssl rsa -in private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem
Start your app
yarn dev
Database updates are maintaned by TypeORM migrations. Below you can find some snippets to work with migrations:
yarn run migration:generate src/migrations/migration-name # Adding new migration
yarn run migration:show # Displays pending migrations
yarn run migration:run # Runs pending migrations
yarn run migration:revert # Reverts last migration
yarn run migration:create # Creates empty migration
- Authorization with JWT and refresh tokens
- Unit tests
- Dockerizing
- ...