PB API is a library that simulates a point blank client to the game server (Only the connection).It can authenticates, create rooms, send messages, start battles and many more. This library was written based in the game version 1.15.37 and UDP version 1012.12.
This analysis of the PointBlank protocol is for educational purposes only and the authors are not responsible for any people that tries to reproduce what is shown here. If you are not aware of the risks involving exploiting some informations described in commercial servers we discourage you to use it.
To know more about the PointBlank connection protocol you should check out our documentation.
To install you can use the node package manager (npm) with the
npm install pb-api
or clonning this repository
Simple authentication:
var PBAuth = require('pb-api').Authentication;
var auth = new PBAuth({
auth: {
server: 'AUTH_SERVER_IP',
gameVersion: [0, 0, 0] //GAME_VERSION
.then(auth.authenticate('username', 'password'))
//On Success
function () {
console.log(`My Account Id: ${auth.getAccountId()}`);
console.log(`Nickname: ${auth.getNickname()}`);
//On Error
function () {
console.log(`Authentication error`);
This repository contains more examples located in the examples path.
- authenticate: Authenticates your account and password sending PROTOCOL_BASE_LOGIN_REQ after that it sends the PROTOCOL_BASE_GET_MYINFO_REQ and PROTOCOL_BASE_GET_MYFRIENDS_REQ to load the user's informations
- disconnect: Sends PROTOCOL_BASE_USER_LEAVE_REQ to the server to finish the connection
- connect: Authenticates with the game server by sending PROTOCOL_BASE_AUTHENTICATE_GAME_REQ and after that PROTOCOL_BASE_GET_CHANNELLIST_REQ
- enterChannel: Enters in channel by sending PROTOCOL_BASE_ENTER_CHANNELSELECT_REQ and after PROTOCOL_LOBBY_ENTER_REQ to enter in the lobby
- enterRoom: Enters in a room (if you're in the lobby) by sending the packet PROTOCOL_LOBBY_JOIN_ROOM_REQ
- createRoom: Creates a room by sending PROTOCOL_LOBBY_CREATE_ROOM_REQ
- getRoomList: Retrieves the list of rooms in this lobby by sending PROTOCOL_LOBBY_GET_ROOMLIST_REQ
- leaveRoom: Leaves a room by sending PROTOCOL_LOBBY_LEAVE_ROOM_REQ
- sendChatMessage: Sends a chat message by sending the protocol PROTOCOL_MESSAGE_CHAT_REQ
- readyRoom: Sets the account as ready in the room with the packet PROTOCOL_BATTLE_READYBATTLE_REQ
- changeTeam: Changes the accounts team in the room by sending PROTOCOL_ROOM_CHANGE_SLOT_REQ
- Battle Start: When the battle is about to start, by default the connection sends PROTOCOL_BASE_BATTLE_STARTING_REQ and PROTOCOL_BATTLE_PREPARATION_REQ to enable your user to join the battle.
- plantBomb: When you are in battle you still use the Game connection for some actions, one of them is planing the bomb, by sending the packet PROTOCOL_BATTLE_BOMB_TAB_REQ
- defuseBomb: If theres a bomb planted you can send the defuse packet PROTOCOL_BATTLE_BOMB_UNTAB_REQ
- connect: By sending a packet with protocol id 65 (INTRUDE_BATTLE) we can start the connection with the UDP and start the battle. If this connection is not made, the bot wont take any hits.
To see a more well written documentation run gulp docs
in the
project so that jsdoc can document the classes for you, after it
finishes just access the website generated at the path named docs
We encourage you to contribute to this repository, today the two things we believe is most needed are better documentations of the protocol and to finish the battle protocol that we only started, we want to understand further how it works so that we can simulate an entire battle clientlessly.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.