My aim is to provide a test framework based in Behave where behavioral test cases over Ansible playbooks will be easy to implement and to be adapted to different kind of scenarios.
I'm using:
The ansible playbooks used to install/configure Red Hat Gluster Clusters from:
Ansible runner to execute the playbooks:
And Python Behave ( to "glue" all together and have nice tests like:
Feature: Set up firewall rules in a set of nodes (open ports, add services to zone)
Scenario: Configure firewall in the cluster nodes
Given we have "3" "virtual machines" with "rhel75" installed
When we execute the playbook "infra.yml" with the following settings:
| parameter | value |
| cmdline | --tags firewall |
| gluster_infra_fw_ports | ['2049/tcp', '54321/tcp', '5900/tcp', '5900-6923/tcp', '5666/tcp', '16514/tcp'] |
| gluster_infra_fw_state | enabled |
| gluster_infra_fw_zone | public |
| gluster_infra_fw_services | ['glusterfs'] |
| gluster_infra_fw_permanent | True |
Then we can check in all the servers that the ports and the service "glusterfs" are in the zone "public"
- Implement a "servers factory" that will provide a set of clean Vm's/containers
- Create "Behaves" and different scenarios for test other Ansible playbooks
- Use of certificates to connect with repos
- Extend library of tests
Note: Until "servers factory" implemented it will be needed to have a set of servers where to execute the playbooks
Use Virtualenv to deploy the project in your server:
# mkdir behansible_tests
# virtualenv behansible_tests
# cd behansible_tests
# git clone
# source bin/activate
(behansible_tests)# pip install --upgrade setuptools
(behansible_tests)# pip install -r behansible/requirements.txt
Execution of tests (servers should be running and accesible from the test server)
(behansible_tests)# cd behansible/features
(behansible_tests)# behave gluster_firewall.feature