A command line tool for switching colors on the fly in cygwin's mintty terminal.
is a python package that is easiest to install using pip. It should work with both python 2 and python 2:
pip install mintty-colors
This installs a command-line tool - mtc
that let's you control the colors of your mintty session.
$ mtc list
$ mtc set <theme>
You can add your own themes or override the built-in themes by putting a file at ~/.mintty-colors
. This file is a config file where each section describes a mintty color scheme in the format used in mintty's ~/.minttyrc
[solarized-light] BackgroundColour=253,246,227 ForegroundColour=88,110,117 CursorColour=88,110,117 Black=0,43,54 BoldBlack=101,123,131 Red=220,50,47 BoldRed=220,50,47 Green=133,153,0 BoldGreen=133,153,0 Yellow=181,137,0 BoldYellow=181,137,0 Blue=38,139,210 BoldBlue=38,139,210 Magenta=108,113,196 BoldMagenta=108,113,196 Cyan=42,161,152 BoldCyan=42,161,152 White=147,161,161 BoldWhite=253,246,227