The linux app to empty your pockets of cards.
Linux App to save and view all your loyalty cards and any kind of card. Ready to use with a Linux Phone.
- Clone or download this repository
- Open a terminal to the path where the repository folder is located
- Install dependencies according to your distribution
- Make sure that the and are executable. If necessary, do:
chmod +x
andchmod +x
- Execute to install the app
=>The script will install loyaltyCardsOpen to .local/share/loyaltyCards and create a .desktop file icon for the user. - To execute the app, find the new created icon on your apps
- Clone or download this repository
- Open a terminal to the path where the repository folder is located
- Install dependencies according to your distribution if necessary
- To execute the app:
pip3 install python-barcode
pip install pycairo PyGObject
~~ ## Install on Mobian/Debian/Ubuntu ~ Deprecated ~
Use the deb package from here*
Then to install it:
sudo dpkg -i loyaltyCardsOpen.deb
After install, you can run it using the icon as any other app.
*Could not be updated. It is generated manually. For the latest version use the installation script (Method 1) ~~
[✔] Save images correctly in sqlite
[✔] Show image and text correctly to the screen filtering by the search box
[✔] Add screenshots to this file
[✔] Fix problems deb file.
[✔] Fix search on clean screen
[✔] Make selected theme permanent
[✔] Create a distro independent install script. Thanks @fdservices
[✔] Put an scroll in order to manage unfiltered cards
[] Create a flatpak package or create a project from scratch to have flatpak by default
[] ¿Encrypt data in db?