A RabbitMQ consumer for processing teed jobs. A job is encoded as JSON and sent as text to the queue. The worker, and teed lib, have been tested to run in Linux.
docker pull rabbitmq docker run -d --hostname my-rabbitmq -p 15672:15672 -p 5672:5672 --name my-rabbitmq rabbitmq:3-management docker logs my-rabbitmq
With latest teed release in test.pypi.org.
The pyarrow package is needed by teed, the version >=11.0 isn't available in test.pypi.org.
It needs to be installed separately.
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install pyarrow
pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ teed==
python teed_worker/worker.py
In this example we are requesting
the bulkcm.split of file bulkcm.xml
in s3://data/093b1603-240b-4660-9bad-861caee1e7a8/in
to s3://data/093b1603-240b-4660-9bad-861caee1e7a8/out
\"uuid\": \"093b1603-240b-4660-9bad-861caee1e7a8\",
\"created_on\": \"2023-07-22 18:24:47\",
\"created_by\": \"joaomg\",
\"type\": \"bulkcm_split\",
\"state\": \"todo\",
\"args\": {
\"file_path\": \"\",
\"output_dir\": \"\"
echo "${message_empty}" | jq
python new_task.py ${message_empty}
pip install -r requirements.dev.txt
pytest tests