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Script: ToggleSignMessage

Samuel Plentz edited this page May 13, 2023 · 1 revision

Toggles signing (GPG) of messages. A script by araujorm contributed in #346.


Scriptname: ToggleSignMessage

let type = this.mVariables[0];

var win = this.mWindow;

if ( type == null ||
     (type == "on" && !win.gSendSigned) ||
     (type == "off" && win.gSendSigned) ) {


Toggles current state of signing (GPG) messages.


Set signing (GPG) messages to: "on"


Set signing (GPG) messages to: "off"


araujorm states: An example follows that I find useful to report spam to a certain service. My identity (GPG) signs messages but default, but the signature attachment could be misinterpreted by that service since they want us to attach the message (forwarded as an attachment). So I made this quicktext template to quickly fill the From and To fields, while also disabling the GPG signing of that message when forwarding a spam message as an attachment. Hope it is useful to somebody else.

[[SCRIPT=Identity|setIdentity|id1]][[SCRIPT=ToggleSignMessage|off]][[SCRIPT=RemoveRecipients|all]][[SCRIPT=AddRecipients|to|[email protected]]]