These notebooks are intended as supplementary materials for the lecture and exercises for the PhD students. Lectures are included in the "lecture" directory as PDF files. The exercises are in the form of notebooks with names starting with numbers: 01_..., 02_..., etc.
- Electron Interactions
- Density Functional Theory
- Electronic states in crystals
- Band structure calculations
- Exchange functionals
- Strongly correlated and magnetic systems
- Modeling nanostructures
- Mechanical properties: elasticity
- Lattice Dynamics - harmonic approximation
- Lattice Dynamics - anharmonicity
- Molecular Dynamics
- Lattice Thermodynamics
- Your Toolbox
- Hydrogen Molecule
- Convergence Analysis
- Building Crystals
- Calculations for Crystals
- Electronic Structure
- Magnetic Systems
- Elastic Properties
- Lattice Dynamics
- Anharmonicity
- Nanoparticle Molecular Dynamics
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