- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/joelgenaro/Tom-Renneberg.git
- Install dependencies for both frontend and backend
cd backend
npm install
cd ../frontend
npm install
- Start the backend server
cd backend
node index.js
- Start the worker:
cd backend
node worker.js
- Start the frontend server:
cd frontend
npm start
- Build the Docker images:
docker-compose build
- Start the services
docker-compose up -d
- Access the application at
- Ensure the backend server is running
cd backend
node index.js
node worker.js
- Run the Cypress load test:
npx cypress run --spec cypress/integration/spec.cy.js
- Initialize Docker Swarm (if not already initialized)
docker swarm init
- Deploy the stack:
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml mp4-to-gif
- Verify the services
docker service ls