- By Joe Engelman (joengelm)
- With libraries provided by Sam Stern (hatboysam), Liam Cottle (liamcottle), James St. Pierre (jamesst20), and Joe Engelman (joengelm)
GroupSnap is a "bot" program that monitors a Snapchat account for incoming snaps, and automatically reposts those snaps to its account's story. Essentially, this program allows you to create groups on Snapchat by setting up a new "group" account and using GroupSnap to share all received snaps on its story. For more info, just try GroupSnap out for yourself.
- Create a Snapchat account for your group by using an official client
- Ensure privacy settings and friendships are set as desired
- Create a directory "" at the same level as this readme file
- NOTE: You must name your directory the username of each GroupSnap account you plan on running
- NOTE: You must place this directory at the same level as this readme file
- Start the GroupSnap program
- Unix:
- Compile with
javac -cp "lib/*:." groupsnap/*.java
- Run with
java -cp "lib/*:." groupsnap/GroupSnap
- Compile with
- Windows:
- Compile with
javac -cp "lib\*" groupsnap/*.java
- Run with
java -cp "lib/*;." groupsnap/GroupSnap
- Compile with
- Unix:
- Enter the name of your new group account
- Enter the password for this group
- Done! GroupSnap will now repost all incoming snaps
- GroupSnap does not currently support video.
- Occasionally, GroupSnap will fail to reach Snapchat's servers (due to IP blocking, connection issues, etc). In these cases, snap re-posting will be delayed.
- Add video support
- Add better controls for group administrator