My first solo project during enrollment at Code Chrysalis.
- Create a CRUD API service using Express/GraphQL, Knex, and Postgres
- Use test-doubles from Mocha or Jasmine to test my code
- Seed my database with interesting data
- Be able to document your API endpoints for other developers to use
- Create a Basic/Simple Frontend e.g. API Documentation
I only had one weekend (two days) to create an MVP (minimum viable product). I also have to do a 5 minute presentation of your API on Monday morning (2019/4/29). Due to private matter, I was only able to work on this API for one day.
git clone
yarn install
npm run migrate
yarn knex seed:run
Only run the seed files once. Running them again will break the database since foreign keys will be incorrect.
Test can be run with
To run the server, type the following into the console.
yarn dev
yarn test
Test can also be done thrugh insomnia or similar, localhost:3000
are the default entry point.
Latest documentation can be found in index.html
in the project root, or by accessing localhost:3000
when running the server.
- A script that will set up and seed a database
An Express server that:
- serves up a basic HTML file that describes your API service
- has a create endpoint for adding to your database (POST)
- has a read endpoint for reading from your database (GET)
- has an update endpoint for editing to your database (PATCH/PUT)
- has a delete endpoint for deleting from your database (DELETE)
- Deployed on Heroku (optional)