Release 13
New/changed features:
- Undo support added: Player can undo a turn in z5+ games (using UNDO command) and in z1-z4 games (using Ctrl-U key) on C64/C128 with REU, C128 without REU (slower, and with limited dynmem size), and on MEGA65.
- Picture loader gave build error.
- Fix buggy printing when erase_window was called while buffered printing was active.
- Don't recognize F5 key if there's no REU or RAM available for scrollback.
- Ozmoo on C128 would boot into 80 column mode when game restarted in 40 column mode.
- Moved cursor code from text.asm to screenkernal.asm.
- Moved screen model specific code from ozmoo.asm.