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Vue unit testing EZ-mode.


vue add @vue/unit-jest
vue add @vue/unit-mocha
yarn add --dev vue-test-declarative babel-register babel-polyfill browser-env


  1. Create a file HelloWorld.vuetest in tests/declarative:
<tests for="@/components/HelloWorld.vue">
  <test name="Contains welcome message">
    <expect text to-match="Welcome" />
  1. Run npm run test:declarative

More details are available in the API Docs.



For this example, we'll test the HelloWorld component from the default vue-cli template that we've all seen when starting a new project.

Create a HelloWorld.vuetest file in the tests/declarative directory with these contents:

<tests for="@/components/HelloWorld.vue">
  <test name="Render message correctly" :props="props">
    <expect text to-match="Success!" />

let context = {
  props: {
    msg: 'Success!',

This simple test expects for the component text to match "Welcome!" in the rendered HelloWorld component. This component uses a prop named msg to display a welcome message, so we pass one in using our script section.

See all tags and options in the API docs.


Here is a test for the official TodoMVC example that shows how interactions (set/trigger) work:

<test name="add a todo">
  <set selector=".new-todo" value="First" />
  <trigger selector=".new-todo" event="keyup.enter" />
  <expect text-of=".todo-list li" to-match="First" />
  <expect text-of=".todo-count" to-match="1 item left" />

Run tests

npm run test:declarative

This command will generate and run mocha tests for all .vuetest files in your test path (defaults to tests/declarative).

npm run test:declarative -- --keep

This command is the same as above but will not delete the generated mocha tests after running.


Sometimes your tests will require you to import and register components you are using (like vuetify or element-ui), or run other setup before a test. If you need this functionality, create a vuetest.setup.js file in the tests/declarative directory that defines a variable called localVue. This will be used instead of the default Vue instance when running your tests.

import ElementUI from 'element-ui';
import { createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils';

let localVue = createLocalVue();

Any additional javascript required by your tests can be added to this file, and it will be executed before your tests are run.

In general, any test/component-specific javascript should go into your .vuetest <script> section, while anything global to all tests should go into your vuetest.setup.js file.


Create a vuetest.config.json file in your project root. This file may contain options to configure vue-test-declarative. The following options are supported:


vue-test-declarative defaults to looking for tests in tests/declarative. Use this config setting if you want to place your .vuetest and vuetest.setup.js files somewhere else.


vue-test-declarative tries to find your webpack config automatically if you are using a vue-cli template. If your webpack.config.js file is in another location, set its path here.


👉 API Docs

👉 TodoMVC Example Test Suite


💡 Set the syntax highlighting in your editor to vue, vue-html, or xml when working with .vuetest files.