React + Three.js + React Router for creating interactive websites.
This package will use Three.js to render a 3d object as a background. You can specify camera position for each section of your page and it will animate the transition.
Use it as a component:
You need to specify all your components (pages or slides, whatever will be rendered on top) in the following format:
const Components = {
Home: {
component: Home, //the component to render
coords: {
cam: {x: 100,y: 60, z: 7}, //camera position
time: 900, //animation transition time
path: "/", //uri
children: ["Home1", "Home2", "Home3"] //multiple components form a slideshow
Convert your own 3d object (.obj format) to suitable .json format via command line:
node node_modules/react-3d-router/src/utils/obj2three.js model.obj