This project is a prototype of a mobile application for the Android platform that works collaboratively to help the community dispose of environmentally sensitive materials.
Developed with Flutter and Google Firebase
- Query collection points for sensitive materials using multiple keys
- Insert, change, and delete data from collection points, materials, and receiving entities
- User control with FirebaseAuth.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install dependencies
flutter pub get
- Create a Google Firebase Firebase project of type "Realtime Database". Optional: Import database
- Register que app with FlutterFire In the command line or terminal, execute flutterfire and configure your firebase project to generate de google API keys.
flutterfire configure
- Start the application Visual Studio Code
- Launch an android emulator
- Start the android application
In the Firebase console, option Authentication, Add user
Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request to the repository.
When contributing to this project, please follow the existing code style, commit conventions, and submit your changes in a separate branch.
Splash screen
Main screen
Search screen with cupertino icons
Detail maps
Details crud
Dark screen mode
Google Firebase Realtime (back-end)