Numbas is an open-source system for creating SCORM-compliant exams which run entirely in the browser, developed by Newcastle University's School of Maths and Stats.
- Can be run on anything that has a web browser.
- Compatible with IE8+, Firefox 3+, Chrome, Safari, Opera, iPhone, etc.
- Implemented entirely in client-side javascript - requires no plugins, no installation on client's machine, no communication with servers.
- Interacts with LMSs such as Blackboard and Moodle through SCORM.
- Extensive support for questions of a mathematical nature. Answers to questions can be mathematical expressions.
- Mathematics display is pure LaTeX, using MathJax.
- Rich content such as videos, interactive graphs easily added.
- Questions can be fully randomised.
- Write questions using simple markup with any text editor.
- Easily extensible.