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Notification Bot edited this page Dec 21, 2016 · 3 revisions

Event Sourcing


Event Sourcing was deemed of interest to the attendees. The library “broadway” was proposed as a potential solution although it would need a good amount of integration with the CMS/Framework (the eventdispatcher, use of DBAL etc.). We need performance tests on this. Complexity for extension developers must be taken into account

Performance Testing Information

There were also potential performance issues raised. A complete cycle for storing an article using Event Sourcing shall not take more than 150% of the time than it does using the current JModelLegacy in traditional 3.x


Using events instead of states for internal communication allows other parts of the software to react on these events in an adequate way. Storing is lossless.The impact of replaying the events on the last snapshot should not have much impact (will get tested first), but give a native versioning instead. Event sourcing is a design supporting change.
