Basics of V1.1 Release
V1.1 is made on the foundation of V1.0 with some special features added.
Features and Progress
Operator Control's code is now fully operating, with all desire features enabled. The following features are included:
Free Movement
Side Sliding Movement (improved base on the foundation of V1.0)
Intake Control
Intake-Lifter Control
Lifter Control
GUI for selecting autonomous and basic robot status
Motor strictly locks when not used (using PID). Note: it is not setting the motor-power to 0, but locks it
Debug namespace, which provide extensive feature for debugging output
Low-battery level warning (if and only if the battery voltage is lower than 12.9V)
Last 15 seconds time-warning (the driver will be warned using the joystick in the last 15 seconds)
Just a really little amount of Autononous code is done, you can safely assume that the robot will not do anything in autononous period