This is a fully customizable example Discord bot that you can add to your Discord guild in just a few clicks. You don't need anything other than a Discord account to get started! After forking and setting up this app, your bot will:
- Confirm installation with a message to your #general channel.
- Respond when it is tagged in a channel with a friendly, informational message.
- Reply to messages containing the words hi, hey, hello, or sup with a sample message.
- Respond to a Discord slash command
with the number of members in the guild.
The slash command requires a bit more setup after forking, but don't worry, we'll walk through everything here! All behavior is completely customizable by editing the app code.
Also, for more in-depth information about building Discord bots on Autocode, click here to check out our official, comprehensive guide!
You can find the bot mention handler under
. After creating and naming your bot, then linking
it to Autocode, you can tag it as shown below to see a message like the one below:
The message create handler will echo messages that contain hi, hey,
hello, or sup as a reply to the original message. You can find it under
. It contains a link where you can
edit your project in the Autocode editor:
The handler responds to the default Discord message.create
event, and uses
an if
statement and a regex to only reply to messages with specific contents.
Here's what it looks like:
// Only respond to messages containing the word "hi", "hey", "hello", or "sup"
if (context.params.event.content.match(/\bhi\b|\bhey\b|\bhello\b|\bsup\b/i)) {
await lib.discord.channels['@0.3.1'].messages.create({
channel_id: context.params.event.channel_id,
content: messageContent.join('\n'),
message_reference: {
It's a useful pattern that you can broadly apply to other handlers as well!
Note: Autocode automatically defines a context
variable containing
information about the incoming request, including the incoming event. To see all the
available fields an event contains, you can view the endpoint's Payload.
For more on this, check out this section of the official guide.
Discord slash commands require a little bit more setup than the previous bot mention handler, as you must register them with Discord before you can use them. Additionally, Discord treats guild member related events and APIs as privileged, which means for this specific command to work, you'll need to grant those privileges to your bot.
After following the instructions to link your newly created Discord bot and forking this app, you'll need to register the slash command. Fortunately, you can easily do this with our built-in Discord Slash Command Builder! Once on the builder page, link your bot and create a command that looks like this:
For this bot, the name
must be member-count
, and description can be whatever
you'd like. We suggest creating the
command as a guild command
rather than a global one for this bot as global commands can take up to an hour
before they are visible, so you should also select the guild you've installed
your bot in.
Leave the Options empty for this command — these are an advanced feature that allow you to set parameters for your slash command! For more on options, we recommend you check out our official, comprehensive Discord guide.
You can also directly create new handlers for your commands here, but since this app already contains a handler, we can skip this step as well. Just press the Save All button in the bottom bar, and you're all set with registering your command!
The final step to get this command working is to enable Privileged Gateway Intents
for your bot. If you try to run your command before doing so, you'll see a message
like this:
To fix this, go to the
Discord developer portal and select
your bot out of the list to open your bot's settings. Press the Bot
tab, then
scroll down until you see a section like the one below:
Enable the Server Members Intent
using the toggle — don't forget to press
Save Changes
afterwards! Then, try running your command again and you
should see something like this:
This will also enable you to receive guild.member
events for your bot.
- Official Guide to Building Discord Bots on Autocode
- The Discord Slash Command Builder
- Formatting Discord messages
- Discord slash command docs
- Discord developer portal
- Autocode discord/commands API page for creating slash commands
- How to find your Discord guild id
If you have any questions or feedback, please join our community Discord server from the link in the top bar. You can also follow us on Twitter, @Autocode.