This application is a task based application intended to remind its users of tasks, single or reoccurring.
- Amazon S3 / CloudFront integration - Assets Only
- SMS Notifications - Nexmo
- Push Notifications - Pushover
- RRULE integration - Reoccurring tasks
- Randomized Task Assignment
- Assignment of Specific Workers to a Task
- If a chore has "&" in the name, XML craps out
- Add name to "Work" so we do not need to lookup the name of the task
- Add change password feature in UI, rather than depending on forgot password feature.
- Multiple notification reminders per chore. I.E 30 minutes before.
- Reassign queued notifications when a task is rescheduled
- Easier SMS and Push Notification setup (phone number formatting & Pushover URL displaying)
- Add confirmation for SMS messages, so SPAM isn't sent to unwanted individuals
- Round-Robin task assignment
- Option to delete chore after complete
- Log Chore activity
- Implement points system (for completed tasks)
- Unit Tests
The application is AGPLv3 and commercial licensing is available.
- Protects user freedom in the cloud - If you are running this as a SASS application, then you are required to provide users of this application the source code.
- Ensures that derivitave works are also protected by strong copyleft - You cannot change the license of this application, any modifications of this license must also be under AGPLv3
- Ensures source access - Every user of this application has access to the source code
If you do not agree with the license you are more than welcome to purchase a commercial license.
SQLite is perfectly acceptable to use for this type of system if the usage of this application is low. However please note that if SQLite cannot handle concurrency very well and will lock your entire application processes. I've run into situations where the database locked up for days and when I restarted the processes a huge burst of pending messages where dispatched. This is mostly due to the task runner. Since Laravel 5.6 there is an only one task server option that I will need to play with to see if it resolves this issue.
Copy .env.example
to .env
and make any changes needed.
SQLite Database
This is optional you can use MySQL, PostgreSQL or another Laravel compatible database.
touch storage/databases/database.sqlite
chmod 0770 storage/databases/database.sqlite
chgrp www-data storage/databases/database.sqlite
Install Libraries
php composer.phar install
php artisan migrate
php artisan passport:keys
php artisan passport:client --password
php artisan passport:client --personal
A task schedule process needs to be running to, this is built into Laravel itself so this is not unique to the application, but there are scheduled tasks running from this command. This process is used to generate work, so if you are adding chores but are not seeing them appear on the schedule, then you are not running the task scheduler as expected.
If you want to add a scheduled task you can use schtasks
. Be sure to change PATH-TO-PHP
schtasks /Create /SC MINUTE /MO 1 /TN ChoreScheduler /TR 'C:\PATH-TO-PHP\php.exe C:\PATH-TO-APP\artisan schedule:run'
If you want to delete the scheduled task
schtasks /Delete /TN ChoreScheduler
If you want to add a scheduled task you can use crontab
. Be sure to change the paths to be your own.
* * * * * php /PATH-TO-APP/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
You can still use CRON on MacOS, but Launchd is the defacto and more powerful than CRON. I'd recommend Launchd over CRON if you are using MacOS.
You will need to edit com.cosmicgrams.chores.schedule.plist
and change the path to artisan to your own installation path.
cp com.cosmicgrams.chores.schedule.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
launchctl load -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.cosmicgrams.chores.schedule.plist
If you want to delete the scheduled task
launchctl unload -w ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.cosmicgrams.chores.schedule.plist
rm ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.cosmicgrams.chores.schedule.plist
In order to receive notifications via Email, SMS, or Push Notifications, then you'll need to also setup a Laravel queue
. In this example
The command is standard in Laravel, but due to the laravel PushOver, retries does not work as expected and the command line addition to --tries
is needed.
php artisan queue:work --tries=3
I am showing how to enable the process to keep running with Supervisord:
file: /etc/supervisor/conf.d/chores.conf
command=php /home/chores/artisan queue:work --tries=3
Starting the command with supervisord:
supervisorctl reread
supervisorctl update
supervisorctl start chores-laravel-worker