This repository contains the code for the Platform Engineering Exercise. The exercise is to create a Kubernetes cluster in AWS using Terraform.
The architecture sequence diagram can be found here.
EKS Cluster
- EKS Addon: EBS CSI Driver | The EBS CSI driver addon is added to the Amazon EKS cluster to allow Kubernetes to use Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes as persistent volumes in the cluster.
ECR Repository
Flux2 with Helm (Optional)
nginx with Helm (Optional)
The dependencies can be found here. It has been generated using terraform-docs
terraform init
terraform apply
terraform destroy
If you get an error related nodegroups, you can delete the nodegroup and cluster manually.
aws eks list-nodegroups --cluster-name exercise-eks
aws eks delete-nodegroup --cluster-name exercise-eks --nodegroup-name exercise-eks-default-winning-chipmunk
aws eks delete-cluster --name exercise-eks