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Pseudodistributed hadoop

mattpost edited this page Jan 18, 2011 · 5 revisions

Hadoop can also run in pseudo-distributed mode. It still runs on one machine, but multiple threads can run at the same time. This lets you take advantage of, say, one large multi-core machine to do extraction faster than in standalone mode. These instructions are adapted from the official apache quickstart guide here.


You should set some extra configuration parameters. In $HADOOP/conf/core-site.xml:


In $HADOOP/conf/hdfs-site.xml:


In $HADOOP/conf/mapred-site.xml (mapred.tasktracker.{map,reduce}.tasks.maximum set the maximum number of concurrent map and reduce tasks):


Set up passphraseless ssh

ssh-keygen -t dsa -P '' -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa

cat ~/.ssh/ >>~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Preparing the "grid"

Format the new filesystem:

$HADOOP/bin/hadoop namenode -format

Start the daemons:


And now you're ready to run some hadoop jobs!


  1. Copy your data to the "distributed" filesystem: hadoop fs -put corpus.unified input
    1. In your thrax.conf, the hadoop-work-dir key should be set relative to a "home" directory you have on the distributed filesystem. Do not use the default file:// prefix! Leaving this key blank will let thrax use a sensible default: ./thrax_run_YYYY_MM_DD_hhmmss.
    2. The work-dir still refers to the local filesystem; somewhere in /tmp is fine to use.
    3. The input-file works similarly to hadoop-work-dir; it is relative to the distributed filesystem. Since you just copied it with hadoop fs -put, you know exactly where it is sitting. In the example from number 1, you would set this key to input.
  2. Run! It's exactly the same command: $THRAX/thrax <config>


You can stop the daemons with $HADOOP/bin/