Name: Kwan Ho Herman Tong, Jessica Hardey, Josefa Osorio NetId: ktong1, jhardey, josorio2
Purpose: Client and server sides of an online chat room application using TCP in our implementation.
Server Files:
- chatserver.cpp
- chatserver.h
- ClientMap.cpp
- Makefile (for server)
- server_op.cpp
Client Files:
- chatclient.cpp
- chatclient.h
- client_op.cpp
- macros.h
- Makefile
- queue.h
Network Utilities Files:
- network_utils.cpp
- network_utils.h
- pg3lib.h
In order to build the entire solution, use $ ./ from the chat-room directory inside program3. If you would like to build the server and client separately, just move into the chosen directory and call $ make.
To run the server: $ ./chatserver [PORT] (i.e. $ ./chatserver 41020)
To run a client: $ ./chatclient [HOST] [PORT] [USERNAME] (i.e. $ ./chatclient 41020 Jess)